occasional commenter

I like/love most of the songwriting on American Idiot, and it works better if you listen to it all, in sequence. The "suites" particularly.
That said, I'd be ok never hearing "September" again, and it's way too clean production-wise, which eventually makes my ears tired.

I'm going tonight!
Note, lifetime pass and all that nonsense. I think even if Tommy was a genius, drinking like a maniac starting at 13 is not good for the old brains cells.

Pizza in California - never had any luck.

Don't "knack" it

^^^ why why why is that a thing.

Scrawler is unfailingly on point, but I have to disagree here. I think Sinjun is basically saying what anyone of us, for example, would say to someone who has not seen The Wire - It's amazing, season 4 is the best, etc….
And I'd add that spoiler really has to do with revealing specific plot points, character

That's not really how it works - you're talking ranges, which has nothing to do with the average. Average is a formula that derives an arithmetic "center", and it can be quite meaningless in some contexts. Over very large numbers, Carlin is essentially mathematically correct (and it's a joke). But an average can be

^^maybe not the joke we needed, but certainly the one we deserved

They Obama's exude class. It's going to be missed on the world stage, and most people here won't notice.

I cannot stand the "ewww". I immediately think less of you.

Man I wish I knew what you just said there.

The Half Who

I Will Follow 2x? Understandable in '82, and kinda cool

That's a helluva list.

Saw in Brooklyn a few weeks ago. I say this as a fan, but it was, for the most part, boring. People were yawning, and complaining on the way out. And it was ridiculously expensive.

String of pearls for the readers

^^ you've made my Christmas and I thank you

How do you know someone is from New York City? They just fucking told you.
- native Chicagoan now living in NYC, but first noticed this long ago

I really liked this as well. IMDB reports this had a budget of $50MM. Is that possible? It's a pretty simple movie to my mind…

I thought Billions was just awful, and Ray Donovan. Didn't give either much of a chance. Was I wrong?