occasional commenter

The few times I have had vicodin it was def. euphoric.

The only thing I still (kind of) like is the Fiona Apple theme. This should have been a limited series, 10 hours tops. They just ran out of stuff for these people to do.

Rafi - horrible character on what is the worst show I've seen (of those that get some respect in these parts, that is)

Saw him in Chicago back in the spring. Similar deal and great show

Fuck that Rick feel good that someone finds u attractive. A woman may find u attractive for any number of reasons beyond your "look" and if she likes your look that definitely should not make her a lesser being in your eyes.

Mentioned above, my younger bro was a homicide detective, now a sergeant. The malaise of 3rd shift might be the most accurate thing on the show yet according to Detecitve Commenter.

My brother is a Chicago homicide detective. This is certainly a technique used all the time. Also, he says it's amazing how much people want to talk, esp the folks that wind up being guilty (regardless of sentencing outcome)

I spent one night in Cook County jail many years ago (relatively minor driving offense, I had no bail; end of the day u get on the bus). Thankfully I was in with all 16-19 yr olds, but it was horrible. I was on edge, starving and pretty scared the entire 18 hours. They captured that pretty well!

Everyone on this show is good/great and they're especially good at introducing new characters…. Except Richard Thomas. Curious if anyone else agrees.

That's awful for everyone involved.

Her poor nose.

And the kids in The Americans too. I know it's tv but this always annoys me.

Can women and men be friends if one was hot for the other and rejected?? Personally struggling hard to be friends with an ex who has moved on but still wants to be friends (note it does not help that we slept together multiple times since we broke up - makes it much worse as I then pine away for her for days after).

I love the stones. And this album is in no way good news.

I generally agree @KateH. I guess if it was me I'd want the "help".

Question for the gang: met an attractive, witty, cool woman. She dresses terribly. 80s hair metal video is way overstating it but it's kind o like that. Is there any tactile way to get this across without torpedoing the whole thing? I genuinely like her. I'm ready for the shitstorm, but some real advice appreciated

You must be kidding. I hope so. I tried Jessica Jones, just too silly.

I've tried with Looking but it just seems to me that these are rote stories I have seen before, just now with gay men. Not that's there's…
Seriously I thought there would be a lot more from this show.

I love wishlist. It's so simple and sincere, which is why it probably gets some shit too. Best line:
"I wish I was a full moon shining off a Camaro's hood"
Fuck is that a great line that only someone of a certain age/background really gets.

My son's football team, Palatine Pirates, are in the High School quarterfinals this weekend for the first time in over 20 years. He's a 6'5" starting defensive end, and having a great year. And when not on the field, he's a great student and very kind and lovable kid. My other 2 are doing great as well, but this is