occasional commenter

Regarding that Dave Begel article: what a shitball.

I'm probably 20% through and I think I'm bailing. Not even particularly good airplane/airport fodder.

not being a cock - its 'brake'

It takes way, way too long.
Fuck me for not going more than 10 minutes without thinking of my ex (broke up 'for good' 3 months ago), especially thinking about her in all manner of having a good time with her new guy (laughing, cuddling, fucking, etc.) Goddamnit.

I like coconut - the real stuff with lime and salt on it, not to be confused with that HORRIBLE confectioners coconut that I think 99% of us thinks of as 'coconut' (almond joy, that shit on donuts)

How old are you? after 35 it's much more about diet than exercise I've found.
My tip - eat a very small or no dinner. Made a big difference for me. (Now I'm too skinny at 166 5'11" but that'd due to emotional fallout not because I'm trying)

Happy Valley on Netflix - so damn good. Surprised I hadn't read about it in these parts….

About 3 months ago, facing what I knew was a pending end with my then girlfriend whom I was madly in love (I am nowhere near over it), I met a woman who within 2 minutes told me she "hadn't been fucked by her husband in 3 years". We kissed a bit and exchanged numbers, but I was not interested really, just nice to be

My brother is a decidedly non asshole cop. 13 years with CPD, homicide detective, now a sergeant. I won't get into the brutality debate, there's so much to hear on both sides. What I will say is, cops are like everyone else: about 90% assholes.

@avclub-74f7a71ee2b66500bff752ae84ce358d:disqus that is very well said, great advice. I am really trying to avoid the "once you start assigning blame, you start to assign it to yourself, and then you might convince yourself that no one will ever be able to see past your faults, which simply isn't true" part. Friends

I'd say a month and do not contact her, wait for her. I am trying to figure out myself if my ex and I will be friends or is there a chance we'll get back together? I know when I initiate contact, I get a cool response; when she does it's much better. I know this might sound "game-y" but it is working for me.

You'd think this would get old. Nope. The sheer effort involved alone makes it worth an upvote, but it's always funny to boot.

I'd say Anderson, Bruford, Wakeman, Howe (ha), Squire, and maybe Alan White?

More great news! Birth of my kids remains the most rad-as-fuck (3) things I've ever witnessed

This is genuinely great, fantastic news. I'm not even going to bother whining on the Fuck This Shit thread. Godspeeed, @Mustache_Cat:disqus .

Not to be contrary (and maybe you're joking), but that is not a killer keyboard riff…. dilutes some perfectly cromulent metal

idiotking - I'm not on here every week, but fondly recall your ribald exploits, which I think included lots of drinking. My personal experience has been that post-booze I sink really low, my anxiety skyrockets if I'm under stress, depressed over a relationship, etc . Perhaps you can quit/decrease booze intake before

Not sure if it's just a long weekend, but If it is, I would skip L.A. San Diego has more than enough to do in one weekend.

Part 1:Company being acquired and I don't have a job come January 1. This is a high-class problem as I will get great severance, but I need to find a job back in Chicago and nothing is happening. Terrified of not finding a job, esp. as the stock market goes in the shitter
Part 2: This is much

I'm less "afraid" now. 3+ years ago, I separated from wife (and kids and my home!), I really lost my shit, as I was 46 and had never lived alone. I'll live, but I also figure fuck it, go on some dates and you won't be thinking about the one you lost. Blech.