occasional commenter

I like this show, but cannot understand the praise heaped upon it. I don't see anything new; same old love story(ies), now with texting/bumble/etc. The awkwardness factors are not all that awkward, for example, and Paul Rust - I just cannot buy any of what he is selling (although a perfectly nice guy etc….just…no way)

That Cannonball II reference is a direct lift from a Ben Affleck quote, I believe from the first iteration of Project Greenlight, something like "If having fun making the movie…Smokey and the Bandit would be the best film ever made". Maybe he adapted it from someone else,

Chicagoan here, living in NYC for last 10 months, have had NYC pizza at least 10 different places (I love pizza). It's great. Chicago is better. Thin crust only for comparison. Deep dish and stuffed are a different, great thing. If u need a knife and fork, you are my mom or a pussy.
Edit- I forgot - white pizza is

I LOVE Pondy.

Also, hire President Obama now. Have him on 2x- 3X a week breaking down all the bullshit and refer to him constantly as President Obama. Not former.

That made me laugh, which is becoming a rarity some 12 days in.

That seemed unneccesary

^^^ some version/vague reference of/to that Madden quote is spoken in virtually every post-game horseshit

Not to mention safer. Some of the cabs I have been in, NYC and Chicago, are death traps with 300,000+ miles, completely shot suspension, gas fumes, etc.

I love that song. And I know that doesn't really fit in this thread, but thank you for making me think of it.

I'd humbly suggest the provenance >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> any negative factors from the mods

I love it when "thrash metal", "grindcore" etc. are spoken of like real things. Cute.

In my life, Slayer only exists on the AV Club. Why do we care about this?

Certainly not anymore.

@disqus_GjjTaaJmC4:disqus applaud for wishing people would see this through, but man, you cannot put a price on the ability to move forward and trying to put horribleness behind you.
(Hence my somewhat hastily/lazily negotiated divorce….)

Have you never once in your life done anything sexually while buzzed in any way, or you have never been with someone while they were buzzed? I really, sincerely doubt it.

"drunk consent is not a thing"… I am genuinely concerned that the wrong people could extend this to claim that we then can no longer be judged for our actions when drunk.

@disqus_QenrIwWZkz:disqus This is still very common - any music festival at closing time, for example. From what I understand we'd probably have to triple or more the number towers in major cities to accommodate all such spikes.

I thought it was pretty damn funny; taste, etc. questionable, but funny.

(Agreed, but 'Blood' is on point in relation to the article.)