occasional commenter

Ok now you kind of fucked up, saying it's ironic his brother is a cop…

I think it's clear the Ricky Coogin was just having a bit of fun with initial caps bit…. Likely ill advised, but still, not a screaming race issue for me.

Thanks, good advice. I do think just declaring "Hey, you guys know I'm not in a good place right now (they all know my story), so I'm not going to drink/get drunk, 'cause I want to jump of the building the next day"* would go a long way.
*I will not jump of the building. WAY too much to live for. But man it's been a

Any advice from anyone who has luck on Match or one of the others is appreciated. I'm 99% certain my relationship (with a beautiful woman I love deeply) is coming to a shitty end. And I'm afraid to be alone. Poo.

Del Taco >>>> 'BONG!'

So, how are you handling the friends that drink (this is ALL my friends). I don't have a problem per se, but after recent breakup, the post-alcohol depression is KILLING me. Pretty much all my social activity includes drinking :( And sincere congrats and good luck!

My dad had 'Oui' magazine.

Wow. What bunch of complete nonsense.

Regardless of if the allegations against Murray are/are not true, from what I understand, those kind of allegations are quite often put into divorce decrees to "get the ball rolling", so to speak. Lawyers go back and forth debating the truth of the matter, all of which may be a distraction technique…. and in the end

Ugh not an Effie fan at all. She seems very Hollywood fake to me, and the "over 17 feature films' being dropped every 5 minutes is infuriating.

No one took that seriously, except Mark Lindamood, above.

Being intrigued by Jobs' life story, and having very low expectations for the film, I enjoyed it in a 2-hours-to-kill kind of way. While he doesn't have the stuff, Kutcher certainly tried his best (which I usually don't give a shit about, but for some reason I'm giving this a kind of pass).

Not to mention the rescue workers are often risking their own lives.

Virginia is pretty magic though? Very personable, obviously very attractive, smart, and game - I could see myself upending a lot for that.*
*In fact I'm kind of doing it now for an absolutely gorgeous, smart goofball. Hopefully my efforts will be rewarded.

I saw them I believe in 2006 at an old, converted church in Amsterdam. My god. Then a few years late at the Riviera (Chicago), and once again, the place was just alight. So, so fun.

Great to be in the crowd when they play it though (if you like that kinda thing, which I do). Everybody singing their asses off.

I think this and Sam's Town are great fun. Great drink/sing along music. Seen them twice, real presence and cool stage show, excellent song sequence/pacing too.

Been a boss now for a lot of years, big and small teams. Be yourself, have as much fun as you can, but hold people accountable. They will like you (the good ones) and respect you for holding the not-so-good-ones accountable. Your first firing will be awful, you'll wait way to long to do it, but it will unfortunately

Not disagreeing with your overall point, but I bet a lot of these fans recognize Phoebe. My kids, youngest now 14, have all binged/caught on syndicated TV all of the Friends - I was quite surprised at how taken they were with that show.

She is not the foremost embodiment of the dire state of popular anti-music. The overproduced current crop of "pop country" - that is the embodiment etc.