occasional commenter

Love the love for FSM. Passed by it several times on cable before I realized I really like this and gave it a proper watching. So perfectly cast, and agree on all the man/woman dynamics being very solid.
As a guy who has had the fortune of dating women a notch or two out of my league looks-wise, I think sense of…

Somehow the repeating is cool to me. Generally hate repetitive choruses, but something different with Get Lucky I can't pin down. But I can so easily see it driving some absolutely off the fucking chain, like run to the iPod to turn it off crazy.

Also, Andersonville is about the nicest, yet still somewhat affordable areas in all of Chicago. I'd think this would have more effect in some of the more downtrodden areas of the city, or at least the people behind this idiocy would think so.

I agree, but somehow I find it a somewhat watchable total piece of shit. I can't see it lasting beyond one more episode (I have watched 2). And it is just recycled, shittier Entourage which I hate-watched to some degree.

"I'm a big sports fan" = I watch a shitload of TV and eat lotso takeout/delivery

It came up first on the featured list last night (that scrolling thing) - via kindle app, so maybe setup is different?

Man, Rod and Ronnie were so fucking cool. Certainly Keith-esque.

I would love to know if that was enough to get her to re-think her quest. Was it obvious to her that the guy just wasn't going to do it on principle?

Yeah it's not going for photo-likeness like the rest.
I thought the Joe Strummer one was the least horrible. Is Flea dead?

I liked Neighbors… anyone else? Also I thought he was good in Behind the Candelabra, should stick to cool small parts like that.

Fucking parkour.

Top Spot: Caplan. Agree/Disagree?

She now has her own brand of glasses - I think I saw a display at Costco

Please lord no

@avclub-96f15daceb6669363fbf7f762ed57703:disqus I think I see what you did there, and it is awesome

Apparently, while Sully is certainly a talented pilot, this was just an incredibly lucky set of circumstances that led to this turning out ok. There are a million reasons this should have gone tits up. (And thankfully it worked out wonderfully and is a cool story.)

Why oh why doesn't HBO GO have Mr. Show???

@avclub-4b8dbaa429f18373947e25594eb17f40:disqus , you deserve many upvotes for this.

@Astronaut_Mike_Dexter:disqus thank you, sincerely, from the bottom of my heart, for "steaming deuce"

I have my ups n downs with this show, but great ep, funny, character-specific lines as mentioned, etc.
But the killer for me was Hannah's genuine, heart-wrenching chin quiver. God that killed me. Pitch perfect. What did Dunham mine from her own emotions to get that right?