occasional commenter

…Except that Williams will likely be paid…

I really don't understand why this is TV's best times slot. Usually after the SB I have been watching or at least around a TV for 6+ hours, I'm a little to a lot drunk, so I'm either going to bed or drinking more….

Seriously, these are just getting better. Thanks Nude.

Bitch - Stones. I believe this is best.

Anybody heard his solo acoustic version of Who Can It Be Now? I heard him do a version years ago on one of the local Chicago radio shows and it was excellent. Haunting, and he really has a great voice.

Did you see the version on 'DVD" - outtake from Song Remains the Same. Terrific

Honestly what is described about OTHAFA is true for so many songs, except Becca made little mention of JPJ's work here. There is a groove in this song that is rarely spoken of and is the shizz.

I have it on good authority and know from expensive, painful experience that when someone leaves, he/she has no problem taking whatever money is entitled to under the law. It becomes like a civil right.

Yuck and eeewww. I think this is obvious for the pizza rolls, but I grew up on very-slightly to full-on toasted tortillas (most Mexican places in Chicagoland). That steamed shit they do at Chipotle? Ruinous.

I wonder what he made for those rom coms. Has to be ~$15 million? That's a small lotto win. Anybody know?

…and hopefully HBO will put Mr. Show up on HBO GO.

We may be taking it in the ear, but I think the 3RDEYEGIRL(s) may be taking it somewhere else.

Should pee on the khakis from the WorldWide Pants logo

Ugh. You are so tiresome. Won't be following most of those bands in 5 years, will likely be embarrassed by 1 or 2, then the anime shit. Ugh.

Agree, with only an hour, every episode/city is going to get the same "how could they leave out _____ scene/band/venue?"
That said, FF is a rock band, so really does House really fit here? Sounds like somebody else's project/series

@avclub-457eb7d00feeb81f6d3d5b103e799fa1:disqus - a fake internet national treasure!

Really. One of the most popular shows of the last 5 years (of all time?) compared to a relatively obscure (but fantastic) show that is now how many years gone?
Side note: Why is Mr Show not on HBO GO? At least it wasn't last time I checked…

Strap attaches right where the neck and body meet on just about all electrics. Because the SG body is lighter than the neck (not so with most guitars), when standing and not holding the guitar, the neck tends to slide toward the floor.

Also narrow neck, small frets. Easier to play than an LP. But LP still sounds best.

Me too. 28 in 1994 and remember it very fondly. It's such a cliché, all the "time flies" and "holy shit 20 years ago" stuff, but it is certainly an actual thing.