occasional commenter

@avclub-3be42d8a3412057f79af152555e39bd4:disqus  goddamnit I lol'd on your last sentence.

@avclub-ed218b475b8f4b935472c00b253db211:disqus  - I did not make that connection last night - nice catch.

My mom's husband, at least a generation too young for WWII, drove Mercedes and VWs for the last 30+ years will not by a Japanese car. He's not the most eloquent dude, and I generally disagree with him on politics, so I don't get into it with him, but I find this very odd.  Also, Jews buying Mercedes, BMWs etc. always

I posted about this above.  Considering it's MO, I'm genuinely surprised someone didn't start some shit.  Literally and figuratively dodged a bullet.

… or all weekend, or likely all month, or….

EyePatch Adams, FTW

^^^^ this deserves more likes.  thanks @avclub-9acf7344ec50993b012999f76196c4c6:disqus

Cursive and Le Butcherette - Never heard a lick.  Strong recommendation from a trusted friend.  Both excellent, fun, passionate, energetic shows.

Band on the Run is excellent. And Wings seemed like a pretty cool live show way back when.  My dad had the movie on bootleg Betamax!

@avclub-6beb5f589a9fd04c21fcd50db3d9c80c:disqus  - I got it emailed to me but it won't load :(     stupid DELL hunk of work shit

I tend to ignore people who "hate" any individual Beatle or their post-Beatles output (although at least half of it is forgettable and/or crap), I hate people who think Ringo "sucked", and I wish a tidy, faceless death upon anyone who hates the Beatles.

@avclub-cfe912f5cb3aa572bd1c9ae2a9b82207:disqus  - However, how much has the culture eroded in the last couple of decades? I think we've gone from a culture that largely ignored Shakes to one that openly, actively despises anything that's "highbrow"

@avclub-011d0b4fe6835bb3d37ef4e0ea713de6:disqus  - We've gotten into this before on the TI.  I submitted that you'd probably have to make X-thousand wooden throway chopsticks to do more damage than smelting or whatever some titanium chopsticks, or making ceramic ones.  I mean, go ahead, if you really like the "for

I love this story. Really, any 'dickface gets his comeuppance' tale. Appeals to my 7-year old's sense of fairness.

SS Pickups, as I said up yonder, kick ass live.  So goddamn sincerely want to rock your face off. And they thank the audience profusely, which I always think is kind of cool


Didn't Jerry die >15 years ago? What do your Dead friends, you know, "do" in regards to the Dead?

Au countraire, mon fraire (I barely know how to say that, so forgive the probable 4-6 possible spelling errors).

^^ For your consideration: More likes for this, for (all night).

I think Vega, which will make sense factually and for the show. Creative will come up with a dazzling, innovative campaign, which will be tied to that shitbox, which will bum out everyone and possibly be a reputation hit to the newly formed agency.