occasional commenter

^^^ I love that this is a thing now.


@avclub-323ca7b091beb1b26cc7a2612f1475d5:disqus  - CONGRATS.  I'm not sure what income bracket you're in; regardless,  +17k is seriously something to celebrate!!! Yay!

@avclub-29501df08e5d9ae59e432e4f188d3735:disqus  - hey man - just go on yahoo, read one, just one, comment section for no more than 5 minutes.  That will remind you that this place is pretty great, and the trolls are somewhat entertaining (and easily ignored).

@LurkyMcLurkerson:disqus , @LJo1:disqus ,@avclub-f7f8eb12e0f61a9321597157c0d61791:disqus  - hi guys still catching up. As an overpaid corporate bloodless husk, I have meeting stories galore, but 2 things of note -

I'd say its up there.  Best heard when you're young, discovering the majesty, have heard the 20 or so most popular Zep songs many times, and then this gets very much under your skin….

Oh god a really solid margarita is tough to beat. Heaven.

I give that show about 4 weeks.  He does not appear to be remotely interesting.

@LJo1:disqus  haha nothing says "what a pussy" like "delicate.

I'm quite certain she's a cockhat. 

I've been making a kind of fritata with lots of slightly cooked spinach, garlic, a little salsa, and egg whites.  Perfect easy low-carb hearty meal.

I think buffalo now means the wing sauce to 99% of the population. Not saying that's bad, per se, but some folks will definitely miss out on the glory that is buffalo mozz.

Are you unemployed or just a tiny little bit crazy? Perhaps both?

I never would have connected Somalia with food.

Hi ladies.  Gale Street, haven't been in years, sweet joint.

I'll eat very rare meat if I trust the source (i.e., I'm not the one cooking it, for one)

Green & Black dark is the best I've had.

@avclub-954aef1dd01f3d3bb8e12966116cfdd1:disqus , @avclub-82ce793b52b4f8893511fbdd2cd97e81:disqus  case in point Emma Watson tweeted or something very recently that there was basically no way she would do it, basically saying 'why the hell would I do that?'

@avclub-4602fc349ffc0ad649190e937f2a5f14:disqus  , my favorite silly name for labia, courtesy of some absolute AVC master:

I started reading this, not in earnest but to get an idea of what was going on, why all the hubbub, etc., and the first lol of the book was when I read "Anastasia Steele".  I made it about 50 pages (which is like 20 minutes, btw)