occasional commenter

EVL does it every time, and has been doing it for some time now, but goddamn if I don't snicker every single time at (Faints dead away)

@avclub-21a8615938a206d4311a58a53ad8890e:disqus  - Glad you are keeping cool - it's hard sometimes to remember you can only lose in that situation, and for you, it'd probably be your job.

@avclub-4a51fda79bbd54b4e7327dd6559b6c4d:disqus  - I caught that bottle of Lancers (right? the ceramic-y bottle?) on Joan's table.  I hadn't thought about that stuff in 30 years.

yeah. Let's not pay for art.

@avclub-97d6c074b974838257db17a02f8784c4:disqus   PBS PBS PBS PBS - no kid needs Netflix.

^^^^ stress the credit card linkage.  It may not be for realsies a risk, but that generally gets people to go along.

It will get better.  (also, put him to bed later.  It works, screw all those books. I have 3, worked on all 3.)

@avclub-22eda830d1051274a2581d6466c06e6c:disqus  yuck, and then it gets insultingly worse.

Isn't ok to share with your wife though??

"Chicago" is so goddamn beautiful.  It's one of those I never want to end.

@avclub-7dc8b441cf4e6fe9bc806679c4579e68:disqus  - Electric is fantastic!!! such super ballsy rock. I turned my brother and good friend onto it somewhere between the grand canyon and las vegas on our 3-week drive across the USA from Chicago to California trip.  so fun.

@avclub-22eda830d1051274a2581d6466c06e6c:disqus  - This was the 1st night of the tour, and these were the last 3 shows they were gonna play in a small club for a loooonnngggg time.  I knew the $60 was beyond worth it.  There were literally 2x as many people as the Metro could hold trying to get people to sell them

I thought it was fantastic, but now merely great, but that could be the assholery of Corgan that is tainting the whole catalog.

Goddamnit it's Freddie!

I feel the same way.  Ray of Light is great, and, with exceptions of Like a Prayer (just barely - I don't think it's held up that well) and Beautiful Stranger (her very best IMO), the rest of it is pretty much studio-polished, just ok pop.

What really made me feel old is the AVC staff punk up above who named "Beatles 1" as his pick.  I had 2 kids by the time that came out, #3 on his way….

^^^^ this needs more likes

I'd tell here to cool it.  If that does not work, go to her manager.  HR should be last (I'm in HR, not the shitty employee relations part, full disclosure).  Once HR knows about it they kind of "have" to do something…

@avclub-29501df08e5d9ae59e432e4f188d3735:disqus  - how was it??

Doing kind of mello hillbilly-ish thing w new gf over Memorial day weekend.  St. Pete's beach near Tampa.  Hot, sunny, gulf waters, cheap food and booze, cheap plane tickets ($225 each on United!), and a quick non-stop flight. I cannot fucking wait, not just for the relaxation and fun, and the I've never been