occasional commenter

@ColdGottoBe:disqus  - Yes.  I don't think I could ever run 9 miles no matter what.  Best ever did was 3, fairly consistently, but still it was the maximum

@avclub-de4a08d644135b09bd7e1a592dff156b:disqus  - here's one for ya, courtesy of my brother:

@avclub-db7c5d0c89a65eb6619443730b14a8cf:disqus  - that whole scenario sounds great - Belgium, B&B, 1/2 a euro for a beer, and " a fridge on the landing" - does that mean like on the stairs landing??

I think it's kind of odd that as adults anybody even thinks about the bread butts. If I'm making a sandwich with a new loaf, I just grab the bread butt, slice #2, and make a sandwich.  I kind of prefer it now that I think about it…

4-yr old boys are essentially monkeys.  Next time you see a monkey, give him your phone or iPad and count to 10.  See what happens.

I agree, but more to the point, $100 is nothing when it comes to keeping the family peace.  NOTHING

@avclub-f7f8eb12e0f61a9321597157c0d61791:disqus  - u deserve all the praise you get.  Almost NOBODY brings in homemade stuff, and while maybe not a big deal to you, it's very cool you took the time not just to bake, but to think about it, SHOP (the suckiest part), clean up and bring it in.  Good for you.

Bitchin' Pie

@avclub-230e46d19fe78a6c8dc715659a7188d7:disqus  I'm with @LJo1:disqus .  It's not the calories, it's the creamy cheesy death part that scares me.  Like stuffed pizza (which I love but limit to 2x/year at most). But anyway, fuckyeahtriathalon, so go for it!

Why does it have to be "aimful"? who gives it shit if it is aimless? and I don't think it's rudderless - each episode has a direction and there is a cohesion building around the excellent characters, who aren't all pricks, but in prick jobs.

Goddamnit, why is this even on the Index though? It is way beyond tolerable…

I think this tune is pretty damn great, and seeing them at Lolla last year was also pretty damn great.  Good to see a "real' band, not just a cute girl surrounded by hired guns, high-end production, etc.

Jack White has genuine 'rock star' stage mojo, and plays his ass off, un-ironically.  That, along with the fucking stellar Colbert week, he's getting a pass IMHO.

I choked up a bit on that. I'm turning into an old queen.

If she kept firing jerks, she'd be castigated completely as a bitch.  She'll get to do that maybe 2 more times in her career tops.

I think it's implied (inferred? damnit) that SCDP is going to go for Ketchup at some point… they will F over the guy that brung 'em to the dance.

@avclub-21a8615938a206d4311a58a53ad8890e:disqus  - I'm usually pretty good at the drug slang, but 'fishscale' is throwing me….  guidance please?

It was not clear, but I believe it was meant to be a picture of all three, with 'glue' written on Catherine's head.

The A. V. Club

not that it matters in the slightest, but should be 'your nuts', right?