Michael Vick - "Dogs"
Michael Vick - "Dogs"
I saw Cee Lo with Gnarls Barkley - great
Also, I think that ad is at least six months, maybe a year old…
Thanks gnarly dude or rad chic!
generally agree, however, to wit, please get a sixer cans of Tecate on a VERY hot day with lime and salt and you will change your mind, at least about this specific combination
yeah. space "lights, please" then another space to set the whole thing up - kills.
SOMEBODY PLEASE EXPLAIN THIS JOKE TO ME. I've asked before but forgot to go back to comments to see if an informed, kind Clubber answered for me.
I'm not thrilled by Fallon, but i don't understand how you can be moved to hate him like that. he is not a POS, maybe slightly douche, but, mostly, somewhat nice and unremarkable….
HDB, you opened well, then you went (american) psycho…. and the reference is not "obligotory" - it' douchetastic.
Super duper like
you level-set this thing, dummy
You are dumb
Wow you are a terrible person and a lousy friend
Soul Asylum was a pretty good band, great live, with "real" guys in it. Collective Assoul was not.
Fellow Chicagoan here. I'm with Tan guy. You can walk for about 60 days to the west and see nothing but corn/soybean/wheatfields. The south about the same. to the north, well, you'll freeze to death too soon to worry about it, to the east, drowning.
Hard to comment on if OWS is the right way to do this, but no one can argue, there is a point of view that cannot be ignored, and a fact pattern that "proves" wrongdoing.
Tiny Tim, successful? really? Noteworthy at best, I submit
I forgot how much a love Get Up - instant energy! We're having a party Saturday night and it will be on the playlist, perhaps right after Detroit Rock City, followed by Never Aim to Please. people will be happy. (some ironically so; not me)
Jayhawks 'Big Star' is great. I wish I had something more profound to say, but I'll just leave it.