
I like to think that he and that woman re-enacted that exact scene every single day, although I admit it's highly unlikely.

I was on a bus line I didn't regularly take in Pittsburgh back in college. A woman with two giant trash bags full of god-knows-what got on, refused to pay or move behind the 'do not stand in front of this line' line, and proceeded to shout at the driver about where she wanted to go. It quickly turned into two very

I was on a bus line I didn't regularly take in Pittsburgh back in college. A woman with two giant trash bags full of god-knows-what got on, refused to pay or move behind the 'do not stand in front of this line' line, and proceeded to shout at the driver about where she wanted to go. It quickly turned into two very

I have never seen an opening band sell more records than Titus opening for The Hold Steady or Okkervil River.

I have never seen an opening band sell more records than Titus opening for The Hold Steady or Okkervil River.

Sir, I raise you Piratecore.

Sir, I raise you Piratecore.

If Made in Jersey can make a running joke out of whatever that guy in the Devils' jersey's character's name is threatening to kick the shit out of Louis C.K. every episode, I'm in.

If Made in Jersey can make a running joke out of whatever that guy in the Devils' jersey's character's name is threatening to kick the shit out of Louis C.K. every episode, I'm in.

I feel like these lists get more and more passive-aggressive every year. To wit:

I feel like these lists get more and more passive-aggressive every year. To wit:

Yeah, while I'm not exactly Disneyworld's core demographic, I would say that someone who instinctively looks upon there, India, sub-Saharan Africa and Mexico City as 'hellholes' should really look themselves in the mirror and wonder why they got into travel writing in the first place.

Yeah, while I'm not exactly Disneyworld's core demographic, I would say that someone who instinctively looks upon there, India, sub-Saharan Africa and Mexico City as 'hellholes' should really look themselves in the mirror and wonder why they got into travel writing in the first place.

Well, for what it's worth, he only comes off like half a douche in "Smile While You're Lying," although that may only be because his palpable hatred for small-town Japan helped me articulate why small-town Korea made me so goddamn miserable and drunk.

Well, for what it's worth, he only comes off like half a douche in "Smile While You're Lying," although that may only be because his palpable hatred for small-town Japan helped me articulate why small-town Korea made me so goddamn miserable and drunk.

Mao II, Libra, and White Noise are excellent.

Mao II, Libra, and White Noise are excellent.

I must confess to never making it more than two sentences into one of his/her posts.

I must confess to never making it more than two sentences into one of his/her posts.

Edit: Deleted because I somehow forgot that rabbits are animate beings. God damn Russian language.