
Edit: Deleted because I somehow forgot that rabbits are animate beings. God damn Russian language.

Yes, as would anyone whose home was used as shorthand for "backwards, racist, and misogynist" for no good god damn reason. And I say that as someone who grew up in Boston and Texas. People never mention our the public schools I grew up in had to be integrated by force in one state, but love to talk about the time they

Yes, as would anyone whose home was used as shorthand for "backwards, racist, and misogynist" for no good god damn reason. And I say that as someone who grew up in Boston and Texas. People never mention our the public schools I grew up in had to be integrated by force in one state, but love to talk about the time they

So I'm really hungover this morning. So hungover that I won a Pizzaz rotating pizza cooker at a rock-paper-scissors contest in Philadelphia last night. And I don't even in live in Philly.

Fun fact on Haggard: he used to drive up from Colorado Springs to the King Soopers (the absurdly named low-rent grocery chain here in CO) in my neighborhood to troll for sweet, forbidden gay lovin'. That particular location has affectionately been called the Queen Soopers for years.

Oh, For Fuck's Sake
I like Wavves as much as the next guy, but I have the feeling that the whole Dawes backlash has convinced the AVClub en masse to write these bizarre little ditties that amount to no more than "Artist Announces New Album" in order to make the commenters drive the whole Dawes meme into the ground.

@Robuttnik. I remember this: ( http://www.theonion.com/art… ) because I remember awkwardly trying to explain it to people who couldn't be bothered to pick up one of the thousands of Onions lying around Denver.

I would say the more said about KISS in this movie, the better. I read somewhere that they only agreed to appear if they could be surrounded by beautiful women, hence the beyond over-the-top interview locations.

C'mon people, motherfucking Aeroflot. Not only were they the last airline in the world to ban smoking, they didn't let some minor detail like the fall of the Soviet Union make them take that hammer and sickle out of their logo.

Finland isn't part of Scandinavia and I was under the impression that all Scandinavian countries looked upon the other two as the collective dong of Scandinavia.

The scary thing about that laminated menu book is that it is the EXACT same fucking menu book in every Korean karaoke bar in the entire world. The numbers might even be the same. I have no proof for this other than seeing it in five separate Korean cities and one Korean karaoke bar in the states.

And yes, part of the plot of that music video involves a flasher exposing himself in a high school girls' locker room. And one of the girls in the band is 14. Because nothing is funnier than pedophilia.

You are correct, sir. Also a great excuse to drink copious amounts of whiskey while on stage and then claim you were just trying to stay in character later.

If not for karaoke
I wouldn't have the periodic reminder that I was tone deaf.

What With This and the Yes Review
Did Heller eat Modell's lunch sometime last week or something? I know he lives in Denver and the HQ is in Chicago and that's really unlikely, but what do you do to get assigned both a new Sepultura album and a new Yes album in the same week?

Tree of Life CancerAIDS-ed you. For clarity's sake.

When I was really young and living in the dire place that is southeastern Massachusetts, my family used to make regular trips to Provincetown on the tip of Cape Cod. Part of this was because my parents enjoyed betting on when my brother and I would finally notice that all the men were wearing short shorts and holding

Taylor Swift plays guitar, but then again she may have been created in lab, so it's pretty much a wash.

Has anyone ever been seventeen minutes behind on a firstie before? Or have we stepped through the AVClub looking glass and people like CFAmick offer themselves up as CancerAIDS-infected scapegoats to atone for all our commenting sins?

Mindless Behavior Once Rode A Steed Perchance To Spy A Lady!
I've never heard of Mindless Behavior and actually just googled them to make sure you weren't making them up just to fuck with us.