
I know of several websites that are superior to Reddit in many ways!

No, but there is a twenty-four hour booze, cigarette, and booze snacks kiosk across the street.

I watched the film as a study in human obsession, not as any kind of film criticism. I mean, one of the theories is based upon Kubrick faking the moon landing and another relies on Kubrick to give two shits about the ad copy on cheap fliers being put up in London. I took these as signs that we're not supposed to

You could make a fantastic Tumblr out of the album covers of Swedish and Danish country bands. Both those countries are the opposite of America, in that they have a preternatural ability to keep the really embarrassing parts of their culture inside their borders.

Hating Mussolini?

I'm probably the five thousandth person to share this sentiment, but I can't read anything you say without hearing it in the Paul Kinsey voice and then trying to place it in context in a scene in Mad Men. And that makes me happy.

If you're ever up for another incoherent anti-marketing jeremiad set in Russia, there's always Generation P.

The oddest sentence from Pinochet's Wikipedia:


"…so it’s off to the ruins for a battle royal."

I gave him the benefit of a doubt and didn't mention anyone who wasn't around for the before the novel became the most popular literary form in the nineteenth century.

@avclub-f121d09285898f1c66d66f1e6f0455a6:disqus , I posted in that "post here and be banned" thing, and somehow survived. Then I lost my precious Gawker Star when they switched to Kinja anyways.

Due to your inclusion of Om and Swans on your Best Of list from last year, I assume that the proposed length of this album and several of its songs doesn't actually upset you in any way.


They brought in a new editor who went out of his way to antagonize the regular commenters, which eventually came to a head when he banned
practically everyone. Then they redesigned the comment system without
any safeguards to keep out trolls, on the explicitly stated assumption that the Commenter Establishment was

Well, the comments section used to be second only to these parts for making with the funnyness and the insightfullness and the hey, it hurts me, but then they spent a solid year working overtime to ban or alienate their entire regular readership. So now it's (barely) a step above YouTube comments.

Since it's so easy to dismantle this argument, is there anyone out there whose name doesn't rhyme with Hadrian Ben who's willing to defend it?

I didn't mean to set up some Comedy Central vs. Exiled zero-sum game. And yes, I prefer the writing on the AV Club far more than the Exiled.

Ianucci's shows are based in satirizing political processes and institutions and the peculiar breed of human behavior that those institutions reward. I don't know if there's a single person on the planet who could claim any of those shows offended their political sensibilities, because they're aggressively

Ugh. I got a paragraph in and realized that I no longer have the - I don't know whether to say stomach, or patience, or what - to read anything written by Taibbi or Ames. Everything and everyone is stupid and terrible and evil all the time, every single second of the day! Everything is indicative of the fall of