Light Emitting Diode

Hive a little faith

All of nobody

Oh hey there's a whole page of articles you wrote that I somehow missed, awesome!

Is this O'Neals first GJI? If so I guess it's okay.

To be fair linguists are always pissed off about something. Source: The five Facebook friends I have that are linguists that are always pissed off about something.

::Rhianna angrily tweets Pendleton Ward's IP address::

Nah, that's Poor Little White Boy

My apologies, I thought you were lumping in the telecom act with the issues many left-of-center voters and human rights advocates have with her.

Cool, but will you be protesting? Will you be out calling for recalls and organizing primary challenge campaigns for those congresspeople? Or will you just be voting? Because for all this "I disagree with Clinton on many issues, but I'm going to suck it up and vote for her anyway" I rarely hear about any substantive

Literally antidemocratic. The thing is that Congress is to be that arbiter, held accountable to the people by election. But given a lack of term-limits and the lock-step that the two-party system instills (thanks to FPTP), they just don't do that job well. Creating a department would require a kind of objectivity that

Should Clinton win, what methods of action are you willing to take to remedy the issues you have with Clinton's stances?

Light Emitting Diode: ::Audible gasp:: GASP!

Given that he's supposed to be a self-insert for Dan Savage, I'd say that they picked the right temperament for the actor they chose. Though I'm not looking forward to his endorsement of lynching somebody until they're nothing but rope.

Hope you survive the experience!

But we get our choice of toppings!

First you think of an idea that has already been done. Then you give it a title that nobody could possibly like. Didn't you think this through?!

Just have Perry play Susannah, problem solved!

Given how Roland is as a character in general, I see no reason why they'd need to change her, since their interactions, while having some basis in racial disparity, can be changed to the fact that he's a weird-ass cowboy

And truly, she was my friend Paris

"A Hoagie Will Rise"