Light Emitting Diode

He used to drive that blue car!

It's best seen as a Besson-esque sci-fi thriller with a banging soundtrack and some decent fight scenes.

It's heartening to know that Fucked Up could continue their work after her death

The current line-up still manages to rock, I've seen their drummer before touring with them and he's great. And Liam's back with the band too. I'd love to see them rock out one of their songs with a keyboard player, however.

Yeah I hate Nazis too, but haven't they suffered enough?

I'd like to say that since it's a bad job, internet, it doesn't qualify as a GJI. But most GJIs are really, really bad

They tend to be so much lighter and refreshing movies, unlike those movies about ranches, Russians or the thousand islands

They're the only way to apologize if you work in customer service and the customer is always wrong.

Let the PRs pay the PR price

Beat me to it!

What I'm really getting from the all-female ghostbusters is that it'd work better as a 15 minute short based around a Missy Elliott song that samples the original song.

Comedies aren't serious

Really they should blame the casting director for giving her a part in which she has to speak while acting.

You still talking about Sam?

Perfect ending: Tormund, Brienne and Jaimie have a troika and breed a beautiful stock of warriors

Women aren't allowed to explicitly ask for anal, it's up to a suave, charismatic male to convince them to give up that pleasure. Obviously

*Gives Tand a handy*

But we're really good at cleaning stuff!

Cameron looked into it and during his foray into the future he saw that the technology developed in him helming this film would give rise to an AI-ruled future.

"Here's IT, Fuck This Clown Thing"