Light Emitting Diode

As much I like to pooh-pooh "America is awesome!", America is pretty damn awesome when it comes to food. Well, the Americas in general. Suck it, rest of the world!

I certainly won't be expecting the verse featuring Jabba the Hutt

There's lots of music that I don't particularly care for. But if the artist is genuine and having a good time, without being pretentious about it, I can't begrudge them.

Tyra Banks is ballsier than Barris, apparently. Making her better.

He's never really been keen on voicing Ray.

That'll hold those S.O.B.s


It's more that we tend to have more scrutiny lobbed our way whenever there's accusations of sexual violence compared to straight guys. I don't think there's been any attempt to hide it away because he may be queer, mostly the speculation that some are voicing based on rumor is that he might actually be milking the

I'm also wearing glasses, so it kinda cancels out

White Feminists, that seek empowerment but only in the ways that piss off White Men rather than anything aiding poor women or women of color. See: the completely tone-deaf Formation debacle made during filming.

That season was peak Murphy in that it had a lot of cool ideas, but just fatally flawed execution. I enjoyed that season, but was immensely frustrated with it.

Ringo's never cool

You wanna be a real hero? Just avoid the geese like all the other pilots do every. single. day.

Based on my research of not really looking, have you seen them in the same picture together? Though so!

Hello, is this president Trump? Good! I figured if anyone knew where to grab some tang it'd be you.


Sorry Miss Barrymore

It was the summer of '95

Mister Dada, I represent the estate of James Woods. I have a court order demanding an immediate halt to this allegation of Unicorn Tolerance. Boys!

Instead of road rage it'll be the stone age!