Light Emitting Diode

Nah he went to the restaurant and ate everything in the restaurant and they had to close the restaurant.

Maybe this is a meta-Commentary on sexism and men, with having a man, Paul Feig, ruin the potential of talented comedic actresses in what could be an empowering movie for women and instead making it a dull, cash-in, ordinary affair.

Yeah, it's falling apart.

Surprised I missed the announcement of this, let alone the trailer, but it looks promising. Especially since most netflix originals trailers look like hot trash even when I'm sure the show's not going to be.

Batman's a scientist

It was one of those times where the show sets it up to be some over-the-top, ridiculous result. But then plays it completely straight.

Mark Waid's getting Mark laid

It can be two things. Though I imagine the movie is used to egg on the secret cult members to fulfill their death pact.

The literal mom from hell.

Yeah, whenever I start to feel bad for her I remember that she's basically set for life.

It's what Caesar did.

So… Melrose Place?

Piss off the Starks. Piss off the Lannisters. Piss off the Greyjoys. Now you're probably pissing off the Freys. His plan is to unite Westeros in their hatred of him, isn't it?

Be careful boy, you wanna get sued?

Pretty much. And Callie's a renowned surgeon that's done TED talks and shit, it's not like the hospital is going to be considerably demanding on her schedule.

Good, everybody should

In the 90s we had Johnny Cash, Steve Jobs and Two Princes. Now we have No Cash, No Jobs and No Prince.

There's a joke in here about anonymous sex and no-strings attached. Maybe something about hash.

Ironically enough he's actually the Lindbergh baby

I did the Iggy