Light Emitting Diode

It's okay, LaToya, I'm drunk on a Sunday night too

Joke's on you, I have improved counterspell

Spite is not a legitimate reason for anything. Spite Dikachu, however, is legitimate for all reasons.

Here in the AVClub comments section we chew the fat on this possible dig.

You heard their covers of eachothers' songs, right?

She's an immensely talented comedic actress, she just picks bad vehicles. I'd say that to the entire cast of the Ghostbusters remake (save Leslie Jones who I have no real opinion on).

Hell, just have Addison show up too

More like Anita Lawyer!

Just like in real life!

I know where we can find a cage that can hold a man his size comfortably.

"Listen, I've told you multiple times to stop telling me about these people."

Rough, fun and including a Hemsworth

I always assumed Rash always carried his Academy Award with him at all times. Because I would.

Technically the Divergent series, but that falls more in line with YA conventions.

Man was that a fun movie.

No, I'm quite lowbrow

He's right! Give us hell, Shenanigans!

Coyne riding Chewbacca is like the least zany thing he did that day.

I'd be "Damn, I'm that good!"

You do realize that you're posting this on a site that's basically 50% criticism, right?