Light Emitting Diode

I, uh, hate America too. Sometimes three times if it's really slow at work that morning.

I don't even know anymore.

Go to bed, Banksy

We're kind of plateauing here

Can I go now?

I think you might be giving this film too much credit.

There's like no real suspense here, there's no sense of dread. I mean it's only a minute clip here but you could accomplish something to make me feel disgust here. The older cannibal gorefests managed that. This is just empty gore you show the in-laws over a spaghetti and meatball dinner.


It's funny how you people tend to jump on CSA accusations but do no follow through in dismissals and dropping of allegations. Like, do you do all your legal research on a certain case in being refuted in internet article comment sections? Because that's what it sounds like.

Not too… nicely

How else am I supposed to describe my rusty razor?

A cover is not clever editing.

Nah I'm good.

James Woods has 50 different words for blow

They really make my bull run

Professional seeks discrete GWM (gory wandering murderer) for pnp (pursuit and policing)

Good thing one is a lawyer.

And how.

Do you like to get pie after you see a good movie?