
Agreed on the bees. Wicker Man should've been taking notes.

I agree with Step 1 at least.

It's called a reboot because they're changing his footwear. His spurs remain the same, though.

When it could just as easily apply to a Nia Vardalos schlock-fest, then yeah you've got problems.

Go to the bullring and get taurus-infused.

surprised he didn't try to hire Trejo as a lawnmower man

Dropping the O'Brien
If he's trying to get people to forget he's a thieving, smelly, drunken mick well it won't work. That red hair and fondness for potatoes is a dead giveaway.

if he "bets too much on understatement", likely not

Alderaan Architecture
Looks like a bunch of cocks.

"I'd ride… Howard the Duck… before… fucking Star Tours." - The Holy Hand Grenade

Michael Douglas and Mel Gibson. One can't stop talking about Sharon Stone and the other about Jews.

A Couple English-Major Type Jokes
1. Spoiler: the killer is actually an orangutan.

Flipped flopped.

the best band odd couple of all time is Neil Young and Rick James

It's like Iron Man, but with… fists?

Shooting in Sarajevo
Hasn't there been enough shooting there? Can't we all just get along??

Franco's work was a cut above anybody else's.

Like Ice-T
I work hard for my living, so won't celebrate bullshit Thanksgiving

The 'monarch butterfly' bit reminds me of Garcia Marquez actually. Papa didn't go for that magic realist shit.

Good point Space Pope. Also, Ratner's had his balls shot off like Jake Barnes.