
Fap if you believe in fairies

There's better Maria Bello nudity elsewhere… the rest of them, to coin a phrase: meh.

he looks like he could grow up and be Zach Braff

You could have Hurley and Kevin fight to the death over who gets to be the jolly fat guy too.

All That Money
at least he doesn't get to fuck Kathryn Bigelow anymore.

Yeah Right
The only way Brian Austin Green could turn up the heat is if he broke Wisteria Lane's HVAC systems.

Ray Charles is going places only if someone else drives, you dumb nun.

Movie Production
Has Lowe put together any projects since his his 1988 work, "Jailbait"?

Treatment Plan
The most efficient way to get the drugs to his esophagus would be through Martin Amis' cock, if possible.

A Quibble
As a bona fide Louis C.K. fan (only audience member at weekday afternoon Pootie Tang showing, ask anyone who was there), nevertheless I don't think he was ever beautiful, even when young, as the reviewer asserts.

I think Wladimir Klitschko should be the blue robot and Vitali Klitschko the red. Or vice versa. It might be the only way those two chickenshits will ever fight each other.

I was nicknamed "Filedem" when I worked in an office. We had a lot of paperwork to store, so it fit.

It seems appropriate that they'd release their worst album when Rooney's stinking up the pitch at the world cup then.

There Should Be Two Vigilantes
The Equalizer, and his black counterpart, The Separate But Equalizer.

My shit-taking anthem is "Get Up Offa That Thing".

The Funk U. Cafeteria
where the food is funkadelicious

he could be a henchman, along with Jermaine O'Neal. Five-foot man + seven-foot man = comedy.

Evidently Auntie Skunk Ape has never seen a little show called "Night Court".

I knew a guy in college who wanted to invent a time machine so he could go back to Rubens' era and screw all the skinny girls everyone else back then thought were ugly. Then they'd ask him why he liked skinny chicks and he'd say, "I just got problems, man."

It will not become a hit. Not even an ironic favorite. Thank God for that.