Don Gately

I think the fact that I've been seeing ads for this movie for weeks without realizing that was Sam Worthington in the lead goes to show just how far he is from being either a movie star or a talented actor, no matter how many franchises the studios try to make him the center of.

Hear hear.

Having seen a single episode, I have already derived more viewing pleasure from "Luck" than I did the whole season of "John …"

Let's shake dust!

When I saw that you guys were doing "Carnivale," I thought, "Please let Todd do it."

O'Neal makes a good point that Quentin always goes unconventional. I remember him gushing about "My Best Friend's Wedding" one year.

"Plus, Bill Simmons. How can you hate that guy?"

That was my choice.

Also, why do they always do "June Hymn" but never "January Hymn" live?

He found out the pro athletes he adulates don't love him back, and that's a book?

Don't love that breaking-of-the-fourth-wall shtick. Seems like lazy exposition. But I'd watch Don Cheadle read the GOP platform. And Kristen Bell seems minimally offensive.

I just love that the poster named "HipsterDBag" actually does live in Park Slope.

As an unabashed boxing and James Woods fan, I've always loved this movie.

Between Andy Rooney and Bil Keane dying, we're not going to have any suck left at all.

Oftentimes, Florence, it's the notes you DON'T sing.

We'll always have "Grey's Anatomy."

Financially, it's not hard to see why he'd rather make movies than albums.

You might almost say it's tight-butthole.

Deadwood, Rome, and Carnivale were all awesome and I miss the fuck out of them.

What about the 20-year anniversary of "Definitely Maybe?"