Don Gately

End of Season 3.

End of Season 3.

Mid-20s. Get off my lawn.

@Gjetostbuster Poochie died on his way back to his home planet

Shit, he was on "M …wC" a ton shit bucket longer than Steve Rhoades was. Like double.

Got any money? Give it to me.

My grandmother adored "Green Acres."

Jack's mom is exactly like my mom. My mom died last year and I miss her. Hence, any episode with Jack's mom in it gets an unmitigated A.

"How do you like your blue-eyed boy?" is the best tattoo of all time.

The final shot and the idea of "standing before the wagon" alone make this an "A," not an "A-."


I saw her once in a hospital bar …

Somebody's gotta stand before the wagon.

"Next week begins one of my favorite stories the show ever told. "

There have been a lot of lies about this project.

We mere readers aren't entrusted with that kind of awesome power though, huh? Just for staff.

First time I realized there wasn't an "A+" option. Goes to show how rarely I'd even want to employ it, I guess.

Two more seasons of "Deadwood."

When they have a better streaming selection, I'll go the streaming route. In the meantime, Blu-ray/DVD.

I'd like to stop him, ma'am, but he's too damn good. Let him march, boys. Let the man march!