Pig Iron Maiden

Every time. Every time, I watch this, and by the end I'm all tense like "I hope they make it!" I love this movie.

I'm a relatively new fan of Yes, and only attended my first concert last year. I was beyond thrilled that the guys responsible for Close to the Edge were in front of me. I didn't necessarily go in a Squire admirer, but I certainly left one. He will certainly be missed.

Safe is my favorite, now and forever, although I could also answer with 'the whole thing'.

Fish Out of Water hasn't left my playlist for weeks now. I'm so sad, and yes, pissed at the HOF. You suck, Jann!

I'm going on a rock cruise later this year- thanks for the peek behind the scenes.

I vilified H-D for years after reading the book about B&J as a kid. At some point (I know I was good and grown) I actually tried it and found out that wasn't actually terrible. Now I find myself reaching for the ol' Haagen more. Their new dulce de leche flavor is super good!

I had a firecracker once before I watched Grease, of all things. It's a beloved favorite of mine. For some reason, the pot made the movie like, I dunno, fake- from the opening shot of the ocean and the cuts of Danny and Sandy having fun, I could only think of John Travolta and Olivia Newton-John doing these scenes. It

This is Nuts, always and forever. Pistachio mixed with chocolate almond ice cream, it was too good to live. Also, Oatmeal Cookie Chunk.

*Nerd alert*
According to Todd Wilbur, of Top Secret Recipes fame, the 11 herbs and spices are salt, pepper, and MSG. He had the chicken analyzed by a lab.

Try a vape. You'll never go back… I want immediate effect, and one 12 min session and I'm like, wham. Edibles are not as predictable, and while I've had some great experiences (Iike the concert I went to last summer) I've had some horrible ones too.

Truer words were never spoken here.
If you ever wanna really fly the friendly skies, try the equivalent of a dime sak in one brownie the night before. I still marvel that I had three flights, starting at 5 am, followed by a 3 hour drive, and I live to tell the tale.

I read B and J's book long before I'd ever gotten high, and totally missed out on any references. I did decide that I wanted to grow up to be like them. I'm just missing the beard at this point!

I just saw this notification, and I was much too oblique in my original post (in my defense, it was still a fresh situation to me). My friend is an alcoholic, and while the group of mutual friends we have (me included) are all potheads to some degree, that's as deep as most of us get. If anything, dying of fatness is

Long before I'd ever seen the music video, I used to think that this song would be great for a long program. The end still makes me picture a lone skater as the music fades out. Yes, I'm still weird.

The literal video version of this song will make you cry with laughter. "I go into a hallway where I think I'm alone, but Arthur Fonzarelli has a army of clones! (Fonzie's been cloned!)" I get the lyrics mixed up with the real deal all the time.

When I read the original Newswire, I was so haunted by his story that I couldn't even google to see if he survived after his suicide attempt. I truly hope he overcame some of his demons and enjoyed the life he had thereafter.

I'm just now becoming hardcore into Yes. So I'm uncool and behind the times! (like this comment)

I loved the game, but I was no good at it. Kinda like being Andy Dick and life.

(You made me sign in for the first time in seventeen years!)

The summer of '93 was the first one I had spending money of my own plus the ability to walk where I wanted without supervision. Many a Crystal Pepsi was consumed- I seriously think I was the only one buying them in our neighborhood. Ah, memories.