Pig Iron Maiden

One of the first 'adult' books I read, around 8 or 9, was Jay McInerney's Story of My Life. The first line is as follows:
I'm like, I can't believe this shit.
(He didn't use quote marks, which I think is worse than profanity.)
This was the late 80's. I read lots of stuff- Judith Krantz, Jackie Collins- that would give 50

I myself am partial to Post's Sugar Tits. They stay crunchy in milk!

This weekend, I'm going to Cleveland to see Yes with Carl Palmer's band and Todd Rungren, and then to Columbus to hang out with the dude of my choice and visit the zoo. Plus I might sneak a fair visit in there, because I'm forever 12.

I have fallen in love with cruising, I hope y'all have a good time!

Have fun! I'm a local, but I'm out of town starting Saturday, so no Gen Con this year.

Colon Blow, in liquid form!

Barritt's Ginger Beer, for when coughing lets you know it's the good stuff.

Rock on! *throws devil horns*
This is amazing. You get all my like today!

Sub in 'swim trunks' for gym shorts and yeah. Women's trunks- $49.99. Dude shorts (on clearance, to be fair)- $12.99.

I'm gonna be douchey right along with you, because apparently the concerts I go to are supposed to be dudes only because they're always the Hanes crewneck, not flattering at all to boob-equipped me. I've decided to just cut V-necks in, because I'm tired of feeling like I'm choking.

I have two pairs I purchased in 2009. (Still remember 'cause I was shopping for a friend's wedding.) They're a little looser 'cause I'm a little smaller than I was then, but they're still doing their thing. So I'll give ;'em props for that.

I just discovered Simply Be- nice selection and generous sizing (too generous for me, I ordered jeans that are just too big, which shocked me, I'm used to having to size up)

So they should just wear tents and hide until they're acceptable to you? Alrighty then. It'll please you to know that this was my high-school experience, I hated how I looked because obvs I was a fat slob and why didn't I just lose weight? Except that I walked everywhere (I was known for it in our circles) and

I had a Sinbad standup special be my intro to the concept of a weave. It seemed like right after we watched that show that me and every girl I knew got braids with the packs of hair- special kind of torture. I did get to see fights where weaves were literally torn out- junior high,

Star Trek: Hidden Frontier for life, yo.

Into Darkness was the first and only time I've ever walked out of a movie that I was looking forward to and understanding nerd rage. I've said it before and I'll say it again- I'm a big ol' stoner that can't remember shit. If I can dissect your plot, you've made horrible choices.

Never saw the movie, but I read both the sequels to the book- this one and Little Arlis.

I actually just read this last month. I was glad I waited to get it from the library. It seems like there were a bunch of people that were unwilling or unable to talk- out of All That, only Kenan, really? I did enjoy the Double Dare stuff, though.

This is the first thing I noticed. Forget looking like McFarlane characters, what's the deal with that?

Have you ever watched Puffinstuf sober? I have. It's horrible. That effin flute!