Pig Iron Maiden

Honestly, every time I see a remake with a black lead, I flash to the Black Odd Couple. And the target audience is who, exactly? Are there people saying "this show would be great if it had less whiteys"? I say this as someone that grew up in a household where half our viewing choices were made because 'there's a black

True. In the 80's, my mom loved Matlock and Murder She Wrote, and now she's into Castle. Although, she wasn't old then- she was in her 30's. Oh well, some people want to attain greatness- my mom aimed for being a senior citizen long before she actually was one.

I swear this comment section is like 'shows PIM watched as a kid instead of what normal kids watched'. In our house, TV watching was decidedly not geared toward the younger set.

Can I just say that my family would watch this every week, without fail? Because black and old.

The heck you say! Bakula and Stockwell are still around- someone go find Ziggy and let's get rocking!

Toot toot! Beep beep!

I stick to crimes that hurt nebulous people 'over there' or crimes against fashion. You can't prove anything!

I have a jar full of change! There's quarters and dimes and all the rest! It's gotta be at least 10 bucks in there.

I've never killed a walker, but I've put a rollalator out of its misery once. No people either, but the most reason I want to is 'because they annoy me'.

OW! Quit it, I'm telling Mom!

I live in a non-medical MJ state, but I'm a stoner, so there's that…
Um, speeding? I'm kinda a loser.

It's not that I hate you. I just love me more.
Joke! I hate me too.

I just found out that my tablet will 'load more comments' twice before pretending that those are all the comments. I'd probably read around 50 comments at that point. Eat crap and die, NuDisqus!

this is the "I can't play because work" thread. For penance, I will answer any questions posed to me when I return tonight. Or, if you have questions for anyone- but I can only guarantee answers from me.
have a great day, peeps!

For a brief, shining moment, I got why people are so invested in weekly television and how it feels to see a master at his craft. Then Dollhouse ended and I went back to my YouTubed episodes of Supermarket Sweep.

Before I saw Franko's magnificent run, I cheered too.
Then I remembered that I chose SHIELD, blithely not watching any tv at all and selecting only by (stupid) names.

That mop was just like a mop to me!

Thanks, Redd Foxx, now talk about having the big one!
*clutches chest, realizes that isn't funny*

Just a large ball to the crotch makes the nutsack swell up, nutsack swell up, nutsack swell up. Just a large ball to the crotch makes the nutsack swell up, in a most delightful way!

My MP3 player is on perma-shuffle. I get irritated hearing the same songs over and over, so consta-variety is key. Although since my player is 'quirky' and tends to want to play the same things over and over, I swear a lot at it while driving.