Pig Iron Maiden

I love this dish! It never had a name that I was aware of, I just called it "the awesome food that Grandma fixes"- she'd make a super portion for all of us kids when I was growing up. This and Dinty Moore beef stew were my favorites.

Now Nelly is in my head.
"You need you some upvotes (upvotes!) so take off all your clothes/I need me some upvotes, I'm gonna take my clothes off!"

I know, right? I actually interrupted my sleep study when they first papped me, because they tried the nose pillow thing and I couldn't breathe. I kept saying, no, I think I'm suffocating, and they kept reassuring me I was fine. One full face mask later, I was.
Hindsight, 20/20, etc. It makes me kinda want to touch

I need your mojo. My blind comments invariably have a wrong word because of my tablet auto correcting, or gibberish where it didn't auto-correct. I don't mind drunk typing when I'm actually drunk, but to post like that sober is an outrage!

There is lots of cheese, bacon, potatoes (think homestyle, but crispy and covered in parsley) and topped with Parmesan bread crumbs. It's the best!

I had one the other day. I call it the Fat Stoner meal. I couldn't finish the whole shebang, but it was profoundly okay.

I have kids that I watched that are now old enough to have kids. One of my kindergarteners was on an academic quiz bowl show locally a few years ago. You would've thought I raised him, I was so proud.
I did have a grandmother of a boy I used to tutor in math (lol) come and tell me about this computer job he has now. I

This is why I so rarely post on my tablet. Posting blind is bad enough on a keyboard.

I mentioned that I saw him in concert Friday, right?
Because I totally did! (best concert this year for me. I might have been a little overexcited.)

I might have bumped "Burn This Disco Down" when it came on. I love it loud!

I had drunken noodles with tofu Sunday, and there were huge mushrooms in there that I had to resist just eating out of the mix. So stinking good!
Cheese makes everything better. I always have some kind hanging out in the house, even crappy kinds like cheese spread. I'm pro-dairy!

You and your husband are adorable! Congrats!

*sighs, commences drinking to make this true*

There are foods in this life that I will never eat again, because I saw them moulded and was scarred. Nothing stops me cold like mouldy food.

In my defense, I didn't know that SHIELD was Avengers related. (I'm a bad nerd) My method of 'choose by dumbest sounding name' seems to not be working out.

Ooh baby, you're doing some dishes! Let me break out the Cialis!
Hey, you know what working on a crossword puzzle does to me…
(I'll give them the football couple. You tackle her one way, then-)

The only man I'm calling Daddy is the dude that used to sneak out late on Friday nights to bring me barbecue and little cheesecakes when I was in middle school and catching absolute hell, or that went to my favorite candy shop to pick me something up once just to cheer me up. I spit on any other man requesting that!

All right! Stick it to the man.
I got to see Weird Al in concert last week. That day-
1. Our computer system was out all last week at work. By Friday, I was ready to cry in frustration, especially since our customers were out for blood. (granted, I could totally understand. If you're sick, you need a prescription now

I heart Clyde Clemmons with tiny hearts!

So how come it shows you who upvoted but not who downvoted? I need to know who to cyberstalk and harass, dammit! (I know that's the reason, but still…)