Pig Iron Maiden

If you ever find yourself wandering through the streets of Indianapolis, let me know and I'll totally take you. It's so good.

This is what I tell people all the time. I'm not nice, and I'm warning you that I'm not. If your inclination is to go 'aw' and disregard that, well, you were warned.

Yeah, I've been saying all day today "Don't I get paid this week? I didn't get paid last week, right? Maybe I did, but I suck and need money…"

I tell them "I'll try any kind of music once" and let them tell me about what they like. My preferences are no super slow songs (I call them all funeral dirges) and that's about it!

I know, right? I want to do this, which is too expensive, and a week-long Adventures by Disney, which is way the hell too expensive. Why can't someone just gift me with trips to faraway lands?

I have a car that lives on my block that has a single stick figure on the back, and I don't know whether to cheer for the person or to cry.
In awfulness- I've also seen one where at least one of the people has a halo. "Ask me about my dead child!" I get that they're still part of your family, but it just seems so icky.

I know this link is to a 'girly' website, but the steps are all laid out and if I never get a new car (fat chance of that!) I plan to follow this advice to the letter.

Among my many, many interests are makeup (for others- I rarely wear it for daytime, really just for special occasions). I've always found that if you use a lash comb, curl the lashes (I have a heated curler) and then apply, you can use crappy Wet&Wild mascara and still get good results.
I have a tube of that two step

My favorite pair of jeans ever were button fly. But I'm a girl, so it never was an issue for me.

That nail polish is crazy pretty.

Aw, I heart stepdads! Seriously, Wil Wheaton is my hero forever just for how and his wife raised their kids.

But once I get a 'how we met' story, I'm sure I'll post here about it!

There's no blood shared (I hope) but my dad's father and my mom's older brother went to school together and hung out, before both of my parents were born. (my dad's parents were super young when they had him; my mom's mom had two sets of kids, around 15 years between the youngest of the first set and the oldest of the

Wait, you can actually crack corn?
*the more you know*

Wonton, with lots of crispy noodles. No, more than that. Accept no substitutes!

I love dudes with beards.
I also love clean-shaven dudes, dudes with stubble, and dudes with those god-awful soul patches that look like Shaggy from Scooby-Doo.
Basically, I'm saying that the people around you are douches, and if you like it, then you keep it.

Mine's the longest that I've worn it since childhood (and I started with the chemical processing) but that's still just shoulderlength, and I think this is as good as it gets. Which makes me sad, because given my own way, I'd wear long, loose and fuss-free.

You know, I actually had a Red Delicious that tasted like an apple the other day and was shocked.
Anyway, its Honeycrisp season, and that's been my kick. Now, if someone can explain to me why the HCs I bought at the big supermarket tasted better and were juicier than the ones I got at our little, locally sourced market

I feel you. I waffle wildly between "I can't handle this!" and "Everything's just fine!" within minutes of each other. I both want to get off the roller coaster and keep riding forever.
I hope that everything works out for you, and congrats for moving to be a better you!

*not a pharmacist, but I do work in a pharmacy*
If it's the usual one that gets prescribed for UTIs, make sure you're putting a little something on your stomach before you take it. You don't have to be full, but if the nausea's getting to you, try milk or crackers.
Feel better soon! UTIs suck like Disqus.