Pig Iron Maiden

We must be doing it wrong in the Midwest, 'cause even our speakeasies are well lit and conspicuous! I've been to them, so you know they can't be that hard to find. (because I'm lazy)

Hickory salt is the best thing ever.
I have no suggestions otherwise. I pretty much put soy sauce in everything.  Although I did see an old commercial that suggested using Heinz 57 sauce mixed with honey for a marinade. I want to add liquid smoke and slather this on something.

I am on board with tequila shots and tamales- sign me up!

I always tell my nieces to put your hands in the air to let us know you're choking. I realize that's not the only reason to do it.

If you like sweet/hot, there is a food truck near me that does bacon jalapeno poppers with sweet cream cheese in the middle. They are obscenely good.

I have next to me now Smoking Goose popcorn, which is cheddar, caramel and bacon popcorn. I'm gonna die of fatness.
In other food news, the African restaurant I ate at last week was so awesome, as usual. Big buffet style, we ate until we couldn't and then they gave us to-go containers! All this for 11 dollars. I can't

Keep On Truckin' (Motown Remixed version), Eddie Kendricks
I'm Popeye The Sailor Man, Face to Face
Shake Your Coconuts, Junior Senior
Go, the Stylistics
Survival, Yes

Old School 4 lyfe!
I like most movies with the Frat Pack, what can I say. I'm absurdly excited for Anchorman 2.

Shake and Bake!
My sister and I do this move whenever we're in separate cars. And yes, we yell "Shake and bake, baby!" as we do it.

Stranger Than Fiction is my movie forever. It was one we walked out of saying 'wow, what a surprise!'

I am in Indiana- I would drive over because I'm lonely! (Seriously, I think it's me and maybe Craig G Clark here? Where are the Indy AVCers?)

I have this on my MP3 player, because I know no shame, and no good music either.

I guess I'm going on two years now, wow. I need to put another diet option in place- I'm terrible at self-deprivation and portion control. I definitely give WW credit for giving me healthy habits and making me more aware of what I'm taking in- and I've made changes that I hope stick- more veggies, a lot less red meat,

Definitely fun, but not super intense- I was taking dry Zumba first, and for sheer cardio/sweating, dry Zumba wins. I have horrible knees from both heredity and from being fat pretty much my whole life, so I can't jump on dry land as well as I can in the water. I usually come out not feeling like I've been wrung out,

More like the Rite of Her'Ass, amiright?
Ass, ba-bam, etc.

Also, Martok knows both that misery loves company, and this is going to give these men stories for years. Especially Bashir. "Hey, love, want to hear about the time I endured a Klingon ritual?"

I do give DS9 partial credit for not SORASing Molly, having Hana Hatae play her all seven seasons. Same with Aron Eisenberg, even though he was grown. No one could've forseen that tiny lil' Cirroc Lofton was gonna be an Amazon in a couple seasons.

I would agree, but who would be propping up who? I like both Worf and Troi, and I didn't mind them together, but their "relationship" didn't give any one more street cred with me.
(I much prefer Riker/Troi, although them gettin' freaky always makes me cringe a little. Maybe because they were grownups when I was a kid

And he ends up in a relationship, so of course they randomly murder the girlfriend. Of effin' course!

*Picard bears a falsely hearty grin throughout*