Pig Iron Maiden

Circus peanuts are an abomination and vomitrocious. Also hated- all green apple whatevers (ALL of them), gummy anything, Butterfingers and Smarties (the kind that are pastel rows of yuck, not the British M&Ms, which are acceptable).
How I ended up fat is a mystery.

Starburst. Old school, tropical, FaveReds, don't care because they're all awesome. Skittles, before they put green apple in instead of lime and therefore hit the abomination list. Snickers almond (that used to be Mars bar).

Around here, Ruby Tuesdays are restaurants of sadness. I get nervous when it's dinner time and I can count the number of people in the room. (other contender- Max and Erma's)

This. My BFF loves her some Texas Roadhouse (I actually owe her a trip, huummm) and I actively dislike almost everything about it, including the fact that I can make everything on their menu at home!

Have you seen the Honestly Good line of LC yet? Between then and their veggie line with the Chick'n, I am feeling the love.

I just watched a Mental Floss video about archery. I really love the idea of shooting targets, and it's something about the steps that just make me want to jump in with both feet. I'm gonna have to check around locally.

I took Russian in junior/middle/high school. I was fairly good at it, from what I remember. I now work somewhere where there's a high Russian population. What I understand? Not enough. Ugh. The conjugation and grammar things I vaguely remember, but I've even forgotten the greetings (although hearing them makes them

I'm seriously considering an acting class. I've always loved performing, was in plays in school, blah blah, and I'm somewhat stable in my job.

It's weird to think about the Peoples Temple being where I live and having been in the former building itself. It's certainly nothing I can dwell on too long.

There was an older lady that we knew that would put a can of pineapple chunks in her Kool-Aid and let it get super frosty before serving. She'd let me eat the over-sweetened fruit, and like 20 years later, I still remember how good that was.

Her and Jessica Savitch. They both messed with my mind so much.

Yeah, my niece is six, and I was a little worried, and she actually said to me as we were leaving "It was a little grown-uppy, but I still liked it". She danced through "Suffering through Suffrage", which made me feel all 'I am woman, hear me roar'.

I saw a musical this weekend- "Schoolhouse Rock Live!" It was enjoyable, and I took my oldest niece (her first taste of theatre!) and she asked me to take her again as we were leaving. I felt like I was up on our local actors, recognizing half of the cast from various productions of recent years.

well, it was a punishment job…

honestly, and weirdly, I could go there with Odo, but it would definitely be one of those 'wow, I don't find you physically attractive but I love your personality' deals. And possibly extreme drunkenness. 

apparently there exists a video on You Tube of Big Bird saying goodbye at Jim Henson's funeral. I say apparently, because the idea alone makes me want to ugly cry. On happier videos, there is one of Kermit and Fozzie talking to cows, as a screen test of the Muppet Movie. It's awesomely cute and well worth checking out.


Can't unsee it…

I might have laughed aloud at that line. A lot.