Pig Iron Maiden

This was the one place that the Relaunch books really made me mad. Without spoilering, especially more recent events. Oh, and HAIR SPOILER- everyone knows that the behaired, beardless Sisko is a lesser Sisko. Even Cirroc Lofton rocks the bald/goatee thing nowadays. Homeboy knows what's up.

I feel like I'm a party of one on this one, but I've always liked the Dax/Worf relationship and "You Are Cordially Invited" always feels like the long-awaited wedding of two people you like and want to see happy together.

I read in a story forever ago the term Cajoran. I dig it.

Guess I should've kept reading! Hee.

I've watched all the season 6 episodes we're discussing like that too, and it's Kira's similar reactions that gets me, it's the dissing of root beer! The Klingons taunt Alexander with it, and of course, Quark's speech of awesome when he admits he wants to sell it again.

No big! I just have crap taste, that's all.
/runs off weeping

I need work!

This. My exercise levels are still okay. I'm getting my walks in, and I'm sticking tight with aqua zumba, plus the changes like parking further away or taking stairs have stuck, but the eating thing just is not there. I like food! I like tasty food!

Yeah. I'm in that process now, and people that haven't seen me in a while are commenting on it. That doesn't mean that I'm at all smaller, just smaller than I was. That's maddening.

I dreamed that I had typed all these replies on here. Like, these deep subjects and I was all proud. It wasn't until I actually started reading that I realized that no, we didn't talk about whatever it was. I think that someone saying that you can't read in dreams has messed up my perception about it.

Maybe because I've always been here more for the TV Club Classic than any other feature, but I still have fun here. It's not like, say, TWoP, where I'm actively sad, thinking of the good ol' days.

I was absentmindedly humming "Streetcar!" the other day at work.
"If you wanna go to hell you should take a trip to the Sodom and Gamorrah on the Mississipp'!"

Wow, I think you're the dude me. I can't even have a good conversation with a dude without going all Walter Mitty and fast-forwarding to when he'll meet my parents and love my mom because everyone does (all my friends are like "your mom is the coolest!" because she is) and he and my dad will be all respectful but

That would make me like him more. I love a chunky dude!

Yeah, I had so much in common with my friend, we'd be so perfect together- and the one time we halfway tried, down in flames. I would give up, but that would imply that I was trying in the first place.

Yeah, it's like, I have never been so horrified after reading about that poor woman, but I really love this bacon marmalade. Decisions, decisions.

I told my sister when my second niece was born, "well, she can only get cuter from here."
She is adorable now, but if she ever asks why we're light on pictures until she gets to around 3 months, I'm going to lie.

Aw, I was hoping that you'd like Owen Meany. I know it's divisive, but maybe because I was sixteen reading it for the first time (and I identified way too hard with Johnny) it's one of those books that I read and reread and love hard.

I think "Dance" slogs for so long that once Things start happening, you've already mentally checked out. Where do whores go? Don't know, don't care. And I liked the book! I'm hoping "Winds of Winter" will make me eat my words.

Isabel Allende is one of my favorite authors. I read her retelling of Zorro and it was like a revelation of how family histories could be told. Earlier this year I read "A Portrait of Sepia" which starts slowly, but builds upon itself to beautifully that you will find yourself marathoning until late in the night,