Pig Iron Maiden

I picked up a BSC Super Special for the lolz a while back, went to start reading and realized that not only did I remember the whole plot (it was the second one, where they go to Camp Mohawk) but that my fondly remembered BSC memories were in danger of being corrupted by now-cynical me and aborted.
There are books I

I got Tom and Huck one year as a present and read them back to back. I was a kid then (and they were never taught in any school I attended) so I never revisited either one. I'm going to remedy that soon.

In 'surprising reads' I finally got Susan Lucci's "All My Life". Ever since I was a wee one, I wanted to be Erica Kane. (obviously, there were lots of things I didn't get about her storylines then.) I've known about Lucci's autobiography since it came out, but I'm cheap and waited for it to drop on Kindle before

Pumpkin spice lattes are good, but also good- salted caramel mochas.
I'm gonna die of fatness!

I've heard good, cool things about Lyft. We just rolled it out in my city- I'm already planning to use it for some party-type deals I'm attending so that me and my BFF can party like we're in college.

My boss told me earlier this week that it was time for my review. I asked when we were going to sit and go over the stupid form that my job makes us do, and she was like "yeah, not so much, you got a raise." YES!
*continues to suck at work*

I freely admit to watching people watch my girls once I get moving (I bounce when I walk, it's a thing). So I must be more terrible than you!

There is something about seeing deer that makes my whole workout better. I have a picture of a fawn that was so close that I could've petted it. I always call my walks when I encounter wildlife 'snow white walks' because I feel all Disneyfied with the animals gallivanting around me.

I got stung by one in Oct-freaking-ober a few years ago. I was on the bus stop and some dick laughed at me. I still have the scar. Hate!

A local boy kicked me in the butt last week,
I just smiled at him and I turned the other cheek.
I really don't care, in fact I wish him well,
'cause I'll be laughing my head off when he's burning in hell!

As a kid I thought Little Green Apples was one of the greatest songs ever because of the Indianapolis namecheck. I didn't have a lot of opportunities to be proud of my Hoosier heritage.

I wrote a short story for a contest last weekend. I did not win, and I'd love some feedback about how much I suck, so I will do so!

My dad had a thing about us having posters as kids (long and boring story) so now I'm like this when it comes to wall decorations. My mom has hung various certificates and pictures of me up, so I look like the most egocentric person ever. The only thing I've managed to do on my own is take an existing picture of a

I know they make them for model homes, as I found out on our local home tour this year.

I have three different shelving unit things. One is a big black industrial looking one (got it from my old boss- she used in in her garage), one was billed as an 'instant closet' and a mini one that I use as a nightstand. I love the space and even though it's just more room for more crap, at least I don't have

My BFF was all excited to move into her house and pimp it out. There is literally nothing on my walls that I put up myself. I think I missed the 'house proud' gene.

This is frelling cool!

Well, that's what happens when you got bitches in the living room gettin' it on and they ain't leaving 'til 6 in the morning.

I went to a concert with some friends last Friday. I had attended a wine tasting right before, so I already was mellow, and I had one of those bucket drinks (this one had so many different kinds of Malibu in it). I don't know what possessed me, but I finished the bucket in one song, and followed it with one tequila

I want to make my own masaman, if only because I don't like whole peanuts and would just omit them or sub in any other nut (or legume- I'd love to try with cashews). Was it super hard?