Pig Iron Maiden

So jealous. I want to get down with the get down at EPCOT so badly.

One of my favorite food trucks makes a burger with bacon marmalade that is fire. I just discovered that a local coffee shop sells the jarred marmalade. So, I've eaten a whole jar of marmalade in around a week's time. Just promise me when I'm too fat to leave the house, that you won't let me get stuck to the couch.

Or, as I (re)learned the hard way, don't not eat and then make with the tequila shots. Or you could be all Tipsy McStaggering in front of your spiritual leaders.

Jungle Jim's is a place of magic and wonder. I have friends and family in Cinci, and I always find an excuse to go there and spend too much money while I'm in town.

They really are! Awesomely dorky!

When I was actually trying to use an online dating thing, I responded to every message or ping, because I was *trying* and it's polite, only to be ignored every time. I wanted to say "but you started it!" with every non-response.
I don't get the consta-bail either. If I don't want to go, I'm gonna say so, and not let

This. I just said up top that I lost friends that I knew in RL but I wasn't friends with/didn't know anyone else in their lives. Without FB, I wouldn't have known about one of them until who knows how long. As it was, I got to go his funeral, which was horrible as expected, but seeing a packed place made me feel so

I lost two friends of mine last year, within two months of each other. With one, I found out on Facebook right away. The other, not until months later and having to basically Google and find out. The 'problem' with both was that I happened to be just them out of their other friends, family, etc. (One I met through

I just rewatched, and was (as usual) reading while I watched. Once the camera zoomed up, my brain went 'oh no she isn't… yes she is, holy cats' before that rope went taut. That was the end of the casual watch and the reminder that you can't halfass DS9.

Taran'atar broke my heart. Every time someone mentions a Jem'Hadar, my inner voice says 'aw', because I'm a dork.

I think we all know what the rape gangs do best…
I'd watch that episode, but only if the rape gangs act like the bad guys in Blazing Saddles.

I think I'm worse than @avclub-b3fe4f5a8793b5499e143cdf1253caff:disqus because I rarely recall the technobabble in a plot (at all) but I can tell you if Picard smiled in an episode.
PIM, watching Trek wrong since 1987

I know, right? Miss a little, miss a lot.
Maybe because Jake and I were around the same age when this first ran, but I see him being grown one minute and doing something childish the next, and I want to tell past me "aw, one day this will pass," just like I want to tell Jake. (although I obviously wasn't living

And everyone's body English, especially Nesmith/Allen's. Plus the look of hopeful anxiousness- reminds me of bowling.

Seriously. I went to see this with my family, and like the big dorks we are, clapped when we saw his credit. Dorks! (but it was earned for sure.)

I'm just jazzed to be on the show, man!
(Aw, ya'll took the good ones!)

I went to see this without previewing it first. I've seen much worst kids' films.

why can't poly did have its own category? Because is want that marked.

thank goodness its not just me.

Owen Meany is on my favorite book list for life. When you finish, I totally wanna talk about it with you!