Pig Iron Maiden

I've read lots of webcomics, but the only two that I've managed to stay with- LARP Trek (I know, kinda cheating) and Questionable Content. I like Hark A Vagrant too, but I'll go long periods without reading it and not missing it until I play catchup and marathon. Same with Dinosaur Comics.

And I'm glad that I work in the medical field, because I've seen what happens firsthand what happens when pills get the best of you. Considering how I went from being totally straight-edged to a stoner within a month's time (at least I waited to try pot until I was super old) I'd probably be up to 20 Vicodin a day or

That's the best part! I gave myself synthesia once while incredibly high. It wasn't until days later that I realized that words don't usually have colors in my head.

I used to pride myself on the fact that there was no genre of music that I wouldn't at least try to listen to. Now, I realize that having likes and dislikes is perfectly okay, as long as you're not so closed minded that you can't discover new things.
PIM, the more you know

I love Mr Kite. It reminds me of our childhood trampoline, and I will bounce when I listen to it.

I am the anti-shuffle lately. For some reason, Yes has eaten my brain and I keep hunting down concerts on YT. Also, the song that I dig the most keeps shifting- right this moment it's Super Trooper, but before that it was Long Distance Runaround. I probably need help.

Whoo hoo!

I hate, hate, when I (over)plan something and people act like this is something we just came up with. Your ice cream sounds amazing, and I'd donate to a charity to have homemade pineapple all to myself.

I heard that could make a grown man biz-serk .

I had a 'philly cheesesteak' from a food truck today. It was good, but I was hearing authentic, and this isn't. The German potato salad that came with it was fire, though. Tonight is Supper Club- we're going to a Yugoslavian restaurant. I'm mondo excited!

I agree that OG L&O was at its best in years by the time it was cancelled. It suddenly became appointment television again, kinda like ER, in my opinion. (I'd really like to see an Inventory about shows that reverse shark-jumped. I don't think there are a bunch.)
We tried watching L&O:LA, and had high hopes, but nope.

For the record, I'm two years older than Patrick's finance. If he asked me out right this minute, I'd go, pay for dinner and wildly hint that he could get lucky at any given moment.
Go her, is what I'm saying.

"I told you."

The Jurassic ride is laughably bad. Like, we went a couple of years back and it was so creaky and rundown- like a Disney dark ride that had been sitting for years before someone fired it up. It's become one of our 'so bad it's good' things, like Santa Claus vs the Martians.

I love traveling alone- I've traveled for work, and I highly recommend it. I just can't get it together for international travel- I don't have a passport, finances, etc. It's definitely a goal of mine, though.

Liked for the Mortimer Snerd reference.

This past weekend, which was a three day weekend for me, mostly sucked but had pockets of yay, which included chilling in a lazy river, sans kids, on Saturday evening until they closed (yes, I probably looked weird, no, I don't care) and spending Sunday at a food festival that felt magical. I drank lots of wine, and

I ran into the dudes' bathroom at a bowling alley. In my defense, I was riding with my sister and her BFF and we'd been rolling for a while, so I was DEFCON 4 levels of needing to pee. They tried to stop me, but I ran in there and into the stall so fast. It wasn't until I walked out and spotted the urinals that I

I'm working on the smartening thing and reading both Superfreakanomics and Buyology. I'm digging both, which means that I'm totally following up with the Mary Tyler Moore book, because I want to.

@avclub-5e5e0bd5ad7c2ca72b0c5ff8b6debbba:disqus I love that movie, now and forever. If I knew where my DVD was, I'd bust it out right this second.