Pig Iron Maiden

I can't stand the fool out of Rihanna. And yet Rude Boy is my jam. Giddy up indeed!
This happens to me a lot. I usually don't know the name of the song, but I'll know all the words until my sister finally feels sorry for me and tells me the details. This is why other than Chris Brown, I try not to take a hard line on

Was it Secret Clinical? Or if you're cheap like me, Suave? (Clinical has 20% of the active ingredient in it, one of the strongest before you're looking at prescription strength- but Suave either has 19-20% too, and it's like a buck seventy-five to Secret's almost 10 dollars. I'm so cheap.)
The good thing about working

It's coming back to us in December. After many, many false starts, I'm going to see it. I've owned the cast recording forever, and both the original book and the coffee table companion, so I'm going to have to consciously make myself not hum or god forbid, sing along.

Our Fringe was this past weekend. I suck as an arts supporter, because I only tried to go see the Big Trendy Thing, and when that fell through, promptly left. I have to be in a certain mood to be experimental, and this past weekend was not that mood.

I haven't seen anything super recently (I tried to see a show twice this past weekend and it sold out, the second time right in front of me) but this summer I've managed to see our first local production of Monty Python's Spamalot (I had a laughter headache by the end) and Young Frankenstein, which was good and the

I read an article about Sleep No More. I feel like I would like it, but I have very little tolerance for perceived foolishness, so I'm not sure. Not like I'm getting to NYC any time soon, anyway.

I haven't been in a play since high school. My first one was over 20 years ago. I still remember how I loved it, how I was glad we got to do an encore, how to this day, whenever I sing one of those songs, I can sing both the lead, the harmony and the chorus. I feel you.

@avclub-d72f705337e5adcf7e33ec0381c5f5b2:disqus shall I go now?

I don't mind if people don't drink, but it feels super weird to drink around said people. It's like I want someone down with pot, but they don't have to smoke themselves, just not care if I do. I'd be more worried if they were like "I don't drink AND YOU SHOULDN'T EITHER!"

Working all three days, and more than likely working a 12 hour shift Monday. Merry Happy, guys!

That just solidified my vote! I'm in.

Maybe because I was such an earnest kid, but I always liked that Arsenio was nice to people on his show. The Party Machine was the shit, though. My sister and I always knew we were up way the hell too late if that was on. I wanted to rock one of those crop tops so bad, but that, then and now, was a Bad Idea.

I had that happen when I was pulling into rush hour traffic. My thoughts were shift into neutral, then park, then turn off the car- and I ended up stopping right behind the person in front of me. The emergency brake didn't exist in my head, so I'm glad my steps worked.

Have some moonshine for me! And if you want to eat yourself into a food coma, Mama's Farmhouse should be in your future. Oh god it was fantastic.
I like SMB, but the Pigeon Forge one is much better than the Gatlinburg one in my opinion.
Wonderworks was super fun, and I say this as someone that went with parents,

(she says while eyeing her stash nervously)

I have a bad habit of packing one more bowl in my bong, taking two hits and then greening out. I did that one day, and came back to it at some point to find that the packed bowl had molded, all into the stem. Super gross, and it was a while before I could use that bong again. Being me, I overcame it.

I have a bad sensor on my car door. This means that my door ajar notice goes off all the freaking time. The incessant beeping is bad enough, but for some reason, when I stop at lights or signs, all my locks spring open, and won't let me relock it until I'm back in motion. I have a irrational fear that someone's gonna

Do you not have America's Best and Eyeglass World near you? They might not be Gucci, but my glasses, two pairs even, were around $300. They would've been cheaper if I didn't need the super anti-glare because my eyes are light-sensitive. I'm due for a prescription check- thinking of going to Wal-Mart Optical next time.

Aw, I got a name drop! I'm never one to wear tights/hose in the summer, but I had to last week and wore them with my still OPI'd toes. The hose was just fine. Ooh, wigs! I have a huge head so every wig I've ever tried on makes me look like black Dolly Parton. My sister has alopecia so she's always trying a new look,

I love to buy cookbooks for reading, I've never been one to follow a recipe. I do so if it's something I've never attempted, but otherwise, it's food jazz. That said, even though they're not Italian, I heart with many hearts Julia Child and Company and Julia Child and More Company. The idea that you have menus for