Pig Iron Maiden

Aw, I'm not for all that. I just wanna cloud nine when I want to, and have hot fun in the summertime.

Super late, our local team (a minor one) plays generic recorded music for the players, but it's super racist and therefore funny. Trevor McAllister? Rock music, complete with guitars. Tyrone Brown? A vaguely hiphop tune, complete with Busta soundalike. Juan Hernandez? Mariachi, of course! My sister and I die laughing

My friends and I used to mix Zima with the school's fruit punch. (In my defense, I was 14.) Ah, the times spent in the auditorium catwalk, thinking we were drunk with our 0 proof 'mix'!

The first time I watched an old school Sesame Street where Snuffy was imaginary (too young when it aired) and they were like "Yeah, Big Bird, your friend" and kinda brushing him off, I was like "… good call, CTW", because if grownups didn't believe Big Bird, why would they ever believe you? I didn't realize he's even

Without Googling, I want to say that Emmanuel was 12, playing a 6-year-old. That's gotta be soul-sucking.

I remember that we watched it at school the same week that it aired on television and our parents made us watch both times. Like you, I didn't get the anti-drug message, or care, but it was darn cool seeing Alvin hanging out with the Muppet Babies. (hey, it was the 80s and I was a girl. Don't hate.)
When I did

The Webster that messed me up the most was when he walked in on a teacher that was a molester after school molestering a poor girl. "Don't tickle me there!" Shudders.
Valerie/Valerie's Family/The Hogan Family is a book that needs to be written, so that I can read it. My goodness, the fire alone made me scared of

That's so extremely sad. As a woman, I get a pass to wave at babies and such, but I still worry sometimes. I'm kinda like a child magnet, which is great and all, but it means that I find myself explaining to parents "I didn't ask your kid to follow me!" because of being anxious. I took my niece swimming last summer

As a kid (like, little- under 8, at least) the neighborhood that I lived in had lots of kids around our age. The oldest was a girl that we called Tuna (it wasn't an insult, at least to me, and she didn't seem to mind) and she'd come and collect kids, and we'd go off, walking around for what seemed like blocks. I rode

They had those Tijuana Bibles (I remember seeing one based on the Flintstones back in the day- you haven't lived until you see Fred's Yabba Dabba Doo.) and I always assumed that it was something like that. I rented an adult cartoon compilation forever ago, and they had Tex Avery's Red Hot Riding Hood with some other,

My sister and I called our dad out once for cracking open a cold Pepsi while he was driving. Apparently, we told him "Stevie Wonder says don't drink and drive, Daddy," which makes him laugh to this day. (It helps that my dad is a notorious teetotaler, out of sheer apathy. He'll accept a beer and let it sit. I think I

I always read your name as 'your at bastard' and feel slightly sorry for your misuse of English, before reading it again and laughing, like I'm doing now.
I have no information about the boobs, sorry.

I love how I read these comments without bothering to a) actually *read* the title b) watch the trailer and c) understand that this was a ripoff of Planes. This is what happens when you get high, folks.

Or the cheap dollar-store knockoff- Hoverounds!

Darling Picky!

I was a smidge too young for OK Soda, which makes me sad. I'd been all over it if I'd been aware of its existence.
Instead, I drank Crystal Pepsi. I don't have to tell you how that ended.

It's like the whole Saving Mr Banks thing. Does anyone really think that Pamela Travers stood around and harummphed through meetings with Walt Disney, while he sparkled at her? Or that her and Disney rode a carousel at Disneyland together (it's Walt Disney, there'd be at least one picture)? I plan to go and be

I read tons of Dick Francis back in the day, but I'm not the brightest, because I never figured out the mysteries. I must've read thinking "horsies!" the whole time or something.

It makes me so sad to hear this, because this dude or someone around him wrote one of my favorite books of all time- "As the Crow Flies". I can't tell you how many copies I've owned of this book over the years. When I was homesick in California, I brought this to feel better. It's up there with "A Prayer for Owen

I'm embarrassed to admit that I didn't necessarily pick up on the 'formula' all the way until they stopped with the traditional series and went to the miniseries format. Which means (I'm going from memory here) the Flowers in the Attic series, Heaven, Dawn, Ruby, Melody and Rain- and I feel like I'm even missing one!