Pig Iron Maiden

I loved the hell out of Strangers when I first read it, so I hunted down another Koontz (I was in junior high, so I actively had to look for books I wanted to read, because my parents weren't down with me having an unrestricted library card.) and tore into it. I don't remember plot or name, but I do remember a woman

Asimov wrote the only mystery that I both liked and tried to pay attention to the clues. (I either hate the plot or forget it's a mystery. Looking at you, Dick Francis.) It was just so droll, and I was probably around 10 when I discovered it, and I enjoy it just as much as an adult. Murder at the ABA, find it, love

To my rabid 90s obsession with ol VC, the official word was that she kicked it right before the Dawn series (at least, that's the one that I read the letter about her passing in), but had already started writing and the ghostwriter was to finish. Then it was 'well, these were ideas that she had outlined', and who

@avclub-d4cbd55fa3e4c685ef11a383ef0a3fc1:disqus I don't know why I remember this, but she didn't tell them her actual age until the contracts were signed and she casually mentioned that she would need a studio teacher. The original plan was to have all of the 'kids' be of age to cut back on restrictions on set with

Hey all! Super late, many dollars short.

I have totally fallen off the wagon, but have also discovered that I love Aqua Zumba. Like, I liked regular Zumba, although I couldn't make it through a whole class at first. Now I can, but the jumping is hard on my hereditarily bad knees. (Yes, I know the weight never helped either) So Aqua Zumba is just about

me. female, Indianapolis

My first car, four years ago, was a '95 two-door Explorer. It leaked, was loud, the liftgate would stick randomly, and it squeaked when I went around corners. Some dude hit me during the first bad snowstorm we had this past winter, just enough to total it. Now I drive a Kia, feel like a total mom (no diss to actual

I had the same reaction to Jon Anderson. I've been on a super Yes kick, and man, seeing him perform…
Did you see the roommate program? It sounds potentially sweet, especially if the cruise doesn't sell out and you're one of the early takers. I seriously want to do this, but it doesn't look doable right this minute for

I'm digging the new OPI Liquid Sand line. Finally, glitters that stay glittery! Because I think I'm punk but really, just super lazy, I have old polish on, blue thumbs and white fingers. The fingers just are a subtle shimmer, but the thumbs, other from wear around the edges, still are sparkly and it makes me happy.

Rifftrax Live tonight! I'm way more excited than I should be.

The last Conan Tonight Show, definitely. I still have his version of "Freebird" on my MP3 player, to be cued up whenever I feel like things are too much.
"Yes, she is with child!" still cracks me up.

It's the Simpson Family Smile Time Variety Hour!

Thank goodness I wasn't the only one pissed about this.

Benrubi  is a local dude. He even owns a restaurant here!

your mom is a rock star!

my mom, while well-meaning, tends to come off this way at times too. I'm so sorry for your loss. And I hope your cramps go back to the hell from whence they came!

poor gypsy…

WKRP in Cincinnati. I'm one of these characters, guess which one!

my phone had the mobile site bookmarked. I got sucked in by the taste tests.