Ah, Shudder To Think. I haven't heard them in years. I remember them having some interesting guitar work. Almost metal sounding.
Ah, Shudder To Think. I haven't heard them in years. I remember them having some interesting guitar work. Almost metal sounding.
They had a song called "Time To Dance" on their first album that I always thought was their One Good Song. I still like it.
I have to side with you on Blink not being all that bad, but I think nostalgia might factor in somewhere.
I live in Omaha (311's hometown), and there's a bar near my house that has what basically amounts to a shrine room to 311. They still have a somewhat ardent following here. Evidently there's some sort of "Annual 311 Day" .
I had a suitemate in the Air Force that played the living shit out of the "Hanging By A Moment" song by Lifehouse. That was a strange time in my life.
I bought that album on a whim at the BX after basic training. It kind of makes me sad to listen to it now.
They used exteriors of the Dakota for the building where Rosemary lived, "The Bramford", but not interiors. I'm not sure if anything has been filmed inside, and doubt they would allow it. The Dakota seems to have kind of a stodgy, elitist co-op board; they wouldn't allow Melenie Grififth, Antonio Banderas, Gene…
I'm guessing the building will be similar to the Dakota in NYC. I've heard that place is pretty creepy, even pre-Lennon murder.
I know the Maria Bello one with the hat (forget what it was called) tanked. What was the other?
Holy shit! I pictured that as I read it and almost found out whether or not I could pass red velvet cake through my nose.
There'd have to be bar bands covering him too.
@avclub-adb0e2c465ae2a4b7698a8901fdbb177:disqus Isn't it only implied that Rain Main is autistic? Also, WebMD is probably just as dubious a place for medical discussions as the A.V. Club, to be fair.
@avclub-8ed2667937add80a8de1f65686f4fbe8:disqus I wasn't implying anything about actual, qualified diagnoses and race or socioeconomics so much as self-diagnosers or parents that goad their family practitioners into giving them the diagnosis they want. This really seems to be most prevalent with white parents (and…
@avclub-20f4f2cc6aa2571698eba0d9da789586:disqus OK, cool. I've got some South Park and Korn T-shirts too, if you're interested. I'd be willing to trade for a couple N64 games. Just hit me up on AOL.
Hey, I've got a similar box, but it's filled with JNCOs. Maybe we could trade some stuff.
It kind of seems like Autism is the new ADD/ADHD in that entitled white parents are using it to get attention and/or fuel denial of their passive, shitty parenting.
What I did say was that I hope to see a Republican in the White House.
When I try to name an actor with the gravitas and je ne sais quoi to portray someone dealing with a harrowing illness and it's debilitating treatment, the mumbling asshole with one solitary facial expression and the intellect of a fart-filled La-Z-Boy cushion immediately springs to mind.
The actress who plays Julie was in a Disney teen comedy last year called Prom, it came and went quietly and this comment is probably the most anyone has said about it in months.
How is babby retardated?