
Correct me if I'm wrong, but Girls isn't strictly a comedy, right? That's the key, I believe. Comedies, even dark comedies, can get away with, and even benefit from having protagonists who are terrible, terrible people, because it's acknowledged and they run with it. That's why Curb Your Enthusiasm, Seinfeld, and It

Neither can I, but both are guilty pleasures of mine.

Honestly, at this point, I kinda wish they'd do a Miles Morales Spiderman movie. I actually find him far more likable than Peter Parker, at this point. Of course, we all know what would happen if they tried to do that movie. Either they'd find a way to cast him as a white kid, or all the racist comic nerds would

As I mentioned elsewhere on this article, I'm not gay, but those stories all sound amazing, and I would read the shit out of them (pun slightly intended).

99% not gay (exceptions for Chris Evans or Idris Elba, so pretty standard straight dude Kinsey scale exceptions), but I would 120% read this guy's work after reading the above descriptions.

…garbage?! That sounds amazing!

I never liked MADtv even a little bit, but having finally discovered how awesome Key and Peele are, I think this could work if they manage to get them back.

Not to be insensitive, or anything, but I've always suspected that anti-Asian racism was considered more acceptable (in the Occident) simply because Asians are higher up the social scale than anyone other than whites. Like, they've been oppressed, but not nearly to the extent of almost every other non-white

No, Jimmy Fallon obviously thinks he's funny.

Well, I'm 35, but I've always been an old man at heart. It's always been a pet peeve of mine, though. If a text conversation is going to take more than 5-6 exchanges, and you're not somewhere where you can't talk, just call, goddammit!

Likewise. Which makes it somewhat disturbing to me that 5-6 issues in, Venom: Space Knight still has no letters page. It's not the best series, but I like it (and the art is fantastic), but I suspect it'll be cancelled after only another couple issues.

I'd guess that people who think that's acceptable are the same people who have 20-30 reply text conversations rather than simply fucking calling.

You mean that doesn't even offend "Christians" with your "War on Christmas"?!

The presence of Ashton Kucher didn't already warn you off?

Yeah, I'm definitely still fine with this. Honestly, I'd be happy paying twice as much for Netflix, especially if they keep adding more high-quality exclusive content. Fraction of the cost of cable and there's always something good on TV.

That's kinda the secret to Tom Waits' success, if you think about it. Music so beautifully crafted that it's still beautiful even when run through a grinder.

Some say beneath his coat there are wings.

Agreed. In fact, the first time I watched Fight Club, I almost jizzed my pants when that song started playing as they went down to the basement for the first big organized Fight Club event.

I was going to ask if he's big in Japan… but then I had a moment of doubt, trying to remember if that line's from "Big In Japan" or "Goin' Out West." Hmm… *edit* Thanks Meth Lab Shenanigans for clearing that up.

Oh look! They found the one thing that could possibly make me less inclined to watch an Angry Birds movie than I already was(n't).