
If they were her parents, there's no reason for them not to have said something upon being reunited with her. They clearly seemed to recognize her, but if she was Luke's mind-wiped daughter (or just a former pupil), they could have felt it wasn't their place to say anything. Also, the whole "EU is non-canon" thing

As a fan of both superheros and boobs, I agree.

Well, it's probable that she was his daughter, but I agree it would probably be better if she was just a pupil.

Yup. And as for her seemingly unaccountable Force proficiency, if, as is highly likely, she's Luke's daughter, he very likely started training her before she was sent away. And she could have been mind-wiped, ALA Revan, which would account for her lack of conscious memory of said training (or Luke as her father).

Yeah, but, being fair, Rey has also taken care of herself since at least age 10. She's used to getting out of trouble on her own.

Obviously you didn't know me as a teenager. Trust me, I have my priorities straight.

I've certainly held it against myself. My "Kill Hitler" for my Time Machine To-Do List is actually "find myself at age 14-15 and beat the shit out of me."

Yeah, but, as I kinda hinted at in my initial comment, regardless of what you think of Rogen's talent or lack thereof (full disclosure, I'm in the "lack thereof" camp), the main problem is that in order for an adaptation of The Boys to work, you'd actually need someone who'd rein-in Ennis's worst excesses. Rogen is

Yeah, I'm definitely in the "who the hell thought this was a good idea?!" camp. I mean, I liked The Boys, but it was definitely not Ennis's best work. Also, in order for any adaptation to work, it would 100% require casting Simon Pegg as Wee Hughie, and 150% require that Seth Rogan not be allowed anywhere near it.

God, that's depressing. It also reminds me why I wasn't really exposed to his music until later in life. Just like @Drewsef:disqus mentioned about his experience, my mother always despised Merle because of that song, apparently not realizing it was satire.

Perhaps during one of his several bankruptcies?

Regardless of how you feel about them, mentioning Bendis and Brubaker in the same breath as fucking Mark Millar is a travesty.

Errr, yeah. I see that. I guess maybe that's another part of where my confusion came about on this one: Was it actually an interview question, or just a question asked by the interviewer? I had been assuming the question was not specifically part of the interview, but something asked afterward. I suppose that's a

Very good point.

Well, yes… except that by the very nature of being a question about dealing with sexual harassment, it would already rule out a male subject. The question itself was something that's really only relevant to women. Asking how a man (or even "an attractive man") would deal with sexual harassment makes roughly as much

Damn, TBA is my favorite opening act.

Oh, yeah, I didn't mean to imply otherwise. I'm always in favor of giving the victim the benefit of the doubt.

Ok, fair enough. I guess I assumed there was something deeper to it. *edit* By which I mean "deeper than simply not understanding that all women face harassment, not just 'the pretty ones.'"

Fair point. Without being there, it's hard to pinpoint the tone.

Ouch… yeah, that's definitely even worse. It's like they're not content to just harass the woman, they have to make everyone else uncomfortable or complicit as well.