
Well, I already addressed the second point in my comment. I acknowledged that the assumption that only good looking women get harassed is fallacious. So… while that's obviously an incorrect assumption, I can see how someone who doesn't realize that fact might feel that's a valuable lead-in to the harassment

That's always been one of my pet peeves, too. Fortunately, the only time it's ever been an issue has been with (extremely temporary) workmates/business associates. No one I would willingly associate with is that big a shitbag.

Actually, I'm pretty sure that despite both being misogynists, "Nice Guys" are definitely not "Alpha Males" and therefore would be "Beta Males" themselves.

Honestly, as a male feminist, that's the only one I have a hard time wrapping my head around, because I can see that being a fairly innocent question, with one caveat, namely the assumption that only attractive women have to deal with sexual harassment. But aside from that fallacy, I can almost see that being asked

Except that they really didn't react to games journalists first. They were created explicitly to target whassername with the indy game who supposedly had a foursome with some people who supposedly included a games journalist, which supposedly led to biased reviews for her game, except that those reviews don't

Just commenting on your last sentence, because I've had the opposite reaction to shows in the past. Namely, MLP:FiM. I actually really enjoyed that show, initially, despite being a male 30+. But Bronies are just so awful, it drove me away, and I don't think I'll ever be able to return to it.

Hey, everyone, get a load of this square. He's not down with the lizard/monkey love!

Being her servant is only her cover. It's not a dom/sub relationship.

I think the only one lacking personality at this point is Jenny… probably because she's so pretty they assumed she didn't need one.

Which is odd, since the only DC property that doesn't suck ass right now is the one with the people who run the fastest.

Well, GMOs, and as someone else pointed out, Alternative Medicine, aka voodoo, aka "let us take your money and give you some hyper-diluted frog's piss that has precisely 0 effectiveness at anything other than parting you from your money."

They're not doing a Booster Gold movie, Arthur Darville's character in Legends of Tomorrow is Booster Gold, albeit by another name.

I haven't been able to catch any Legends of Tomorrow, yet, as I don't get basic television (Netflix/Amazon Prime only, for me). Is it really that bad? That really bums me out if it is. I love Arthur Darville, and I've loved The Flash so far, so a spin-off with him as Booster Gold seemed like a fantastic idea.

I dunno, Quilted Northern's "Bespoke Artisanal Toilet Paper" commercial was pretty good, too.

Even by the metric of "most episodes that are consistently good" it still probably beats my (and many others') favorite show, Futurama, considering the low episode count of the first season or two, and the tremendous drop-off of the Comedy Central seasons.

Normally I'd be opposed to a series running this long. But honestly, the quality has been pretty goddamn consistent. Of course, that's probably partly (or primarily) due to the fact that the seasons are so much shorter than major network seasons.

…Tyson? Is that you? :(

And really, to the Right, all AIDS is AIDS-by-penis.

Unfortunately, as much as we might wish it were, anti-vaxx isn't specifically a right-wing idiocy. In fact, if anything it tends to be slightly more common on the left, despite the obvious anti-science mentality required to be pro-disease.

General consensus among book fans has always been that there are 3 primary protagonists, namely the three just mentioned. And, of course, that tends to dovetail into the whole "three heads of the dragon/R+L=J/Tyrion being a bastard Targaryen as well" theory/theories.