
Best case: it's for a "Barely Legal" video/photo-shoot, in which case "like 18" means she's 27. Worst case is exactly what you're hinting at.

Yeah, to elaborate on what fawlty said: the original RASF's work reclassified the either the AVClub or the A7X fan-site(s) as a music site in their filters, or some nonsense like that, which meant that he was no longer able to access the site during work hours (which are, of course, prime commenting hours). I'd

Assuming he's not a Valley Girl (which, I believe, do not exist anymore) "like 17" explicitly means "16 and 2 months."

More that both sides lost, but the USSR lost harder.

Never a fan of this feature, but I am a fan of Nick Offerman, so… you get a pass this time, Internet. This time.

I'm not totally sure on a motive, myself, but she seemed like a pretty fucked up person, so maybe a motive wasn't really necessary? But I know that there were plenty of things about her story that didn't add up. It's been a while since I've really looked at that story, but I remember it seemed pretty clear that she

Much like whatsisname from "Making a Murderer," she was very much a case of "framing the guilty party." Yes, the prosecution were a bunch of lazy, unethical fuckheads… but she was still guilty as sin.

It's still one of my life goals to someday use "Hey sexy mama, wanna kill all humans?" as a pickup line. I'd never use any pickup line otherwise, but I figure if that line works, you know you have a keeper.

No "We'll All Go Together (When We Go)" by Tom Lehrer?! Travesty!

Fair point. I've actually made that comment before, myself. Honestly, ending or minimizing vaccination would benefit pharmaceutical companies more than it would benefit anyone else.

Yeah, this, right here, has always been my biggest issue with the anti-vaxx "movement." Like, even if you're so deluded that you believe in some vast, illogical* conspiracy, you should at least be able to recognize death or paralysis as worse than autism.

No, but they are (at minimum) tacitly endorsing further violence against Jews, so… you know, six of one, half a dozen of the other. *edit* Sorry if that sounds snarky. I know what you were shooting for, there. I just felt it needs pointing out that Holocaust denial is still extremely harmful, even if the danger

To be fair, the extreme fringes on either side have always been the conspiracy-theorists (and therefore the obviously deeply deluded and, ironically, most easily led).

This was easily one of the best 11 Questions I've ever read on here. And it just makes me love Maslany even more… except now I'm also jealous that Tom Cullen gets to be with her… except that he also seems like a pretty cool dude, so I can't really hate him… except… blahhhh, this is tearing me apart!

You could probably have ended that second sentence after "internets."

I was with him until he listed Eric Clapton in his "can do no good" list and GnR in his "can do no wrong" list. I mean, yeah, Eric Clapton's output in the past 30 years has been shit, and he's done some shitty things… but if you don't see the cognitive dissonance in giving GnR a pass for the exact same shit, despite

Ehhh, for all Snyder's faults, his films are at least far more coherent than Bay's.

As someone who honestly loves DKR, I can't argue that it'd be for the best. Frank Miller needs to be kept far away from the comic book medium at this point. Everything he shits out for the past 15 years just erodes any remaining good will his early works may have earned him.

"BDSM romance"?! What intelligent, honest person can call this book a romance, and not what it really is: a rape fantasy.

Ouch. Way to bring us down to reality with a painful memory.