

That's an excellent way to describe it. Like, there's potential there, but even more wasted potential.

On paper, this seems like something I should love… but I'm rather unimpressed.

I was going to resist the urge to contribute, but my big mouth strikes again.

I'd hope not as well, but comic geniuses and suicidal depression seem to come prepackaged like smoke and fire.

Sad upvote.

Ahhh, ok. Thanks. There goes my moment of denial, though…

Wait… are we actually considering fucking TMZ a legitimate source, or has this been confirmed elsewhere by sites with motive actually to report truth?

The National is ok, but I still think the best cover of "Morning Dew" was Einstuerzende Neubauten's.

See, for me, the whole "desire not to leave the house" thing always outweighs the "too impatient to wait 2-3 days for delivery" thing. Add in the "desire not to interact with fucking teenagers" and Amazon wins by a mile, for me.

You know what they say: once you get blackballed, you can never go back (to work).

This is one case where I don't feel even slightly bad about judging the "book" by its "cover." Seriously, whoever greenlit that title should be blackballed from the TV industry.

A decade? Try three years.

"leading." Really stretching the definition of the word there. Not that Trump's comments were any less disgusting.

Actually, the Jessica Jones season 1 was pretty much a condensed version of the entire run of Alias.


If they could find a way to make a Netflix series around Matt Fraction's Hawkeye run, I'd be totally down for this.

Oh, yeah, it was still a good game despite the dancing junk. It just doesn't have as prominent a spot in my heart as the classic version, which was essentially the game that made me a "gamer" (despite the fact that I hate that label with a blinding passion, hence my quotes around it), and more specifically, a fan of

Yup, that's it exactly. Dunno if I'd edited my comment when you replied (I added the clarification about finding her unnatural, not necessarily ugly).

I always found her vaguely off-putting (not ugly, by any means, but kind of…uncanny valley off-putting). Initially I thought it was her lips, but now I think it's both her lips and her cheekbones. I've never been a fan of prominent cheekbones.