
Goddamn that was a great game. The original 8-bit one, that is. Not the 2000s update with the goddamn dancing minigame.

Quite. Had to throw in an obligatory Futurama-referencing-Soylent Green reference.

Well, one Grand Wizard did just endorse Hillary, if I recall. So not 100% (not that that couldn't have been a deliberate poison endorsement).

Whether or not it's genetic, it's still true that stupid people tend to raise stupid children.

Just chiming in to say that I actually had some of those Soylent Green crackers you have in your avatar. They actually tasted pretty damn good…though I'm sure it varies from person to person. Still have the box around for humor/sentimental value, too.

Equally evil, but infinitely more intelligent, so, no. I'd vote for Mr. Burns in a heartbeat. Hell, I was realizing earlier today that Nixon would be better than any of the Republican candidates, and possibly even better than Hillary.

…*sigh.* Dude, there are plenty of legitimate things you can bash Hillary for. Why you gotta go that route?

Pretty much the exact reason I switched from being a longtime DC fanboy back over to Marvel a couple years back. DC doesn't seem to understand, anymore, that the point of comics is supposed to be fun. That applies to both their print content and most of their TV/theatrical content, with the notable exception of The

My best friend thought that pregnancy was caused by the man peeing in the woman's mouth.

I was going to say something to the effect that it's been Word of God-ed that all the Stark children were wargs, whether or not they'd all developed their powers to the extent of Bran. But… in hindsight, I realize that the wording might have been that "all of Eddard Stark's children are wargs," which would obviously

Yeah, I agree that Paige is just being a teenager. I just have a hard time sympathizing with or appreciating teenage characters. So, yeah, I suppose she's technically doing her job… it's just a job I an unable to appreciate.

Yeah, this show needs a serious word-of-mouth campaign. I'd heard of it, but had dismissed it as some trashy spy thriller until a good friend (whose taste tends to be pretty impeccable) recommended it to me. Now I'm absolutely a fan.

Couple quibbles here… calling the actress playing Paige "excellent" (excellent at being a super goddamn annoying little brat?), and calling Stan Beeman a "sad sack." Yeah, Stan's in a slump right now, but he's a hyper-competent FBI agent. He's made some mistakes, sure, but he's also come closer to the truth than

"And so, they were executed in the manner most befitting virgins."

Did you even watch Jessica Jones season one? I'm guessing not. If he was susceptible to penile fractures, he certainly would have suffered one during the world's most intense boning session he had with Jessica.

Dammit, why'd you have to phrase it like that?! Now I'm depressed!

Ehhh, I don't know that it's necessarily…necessary for him to be any particular race. It's more that it would have been a decent opportunity to cast an asian actor, especially as Iron Fist's current story/race/casting smacks a bit of "white savior."

Well, it was written by Mark Millar, so the target audience is inbred dumbfucks.

I'm torn. On one hand, I love Warburton as the Tick, but on the other hand, it could still be good.

My take has always been that if I'm in a mixed crowd, I pray silently. Seriously, how hard is that?