
That'd only be worthwhile if we could also go back in time and ensure that the original(s?) never got made.

Dammit. Hollywood really needs to stop with this bullcrap of giving me reasons to watch movies I'd otherwise never have any desire to see.

Any person who could honestly rate a Kid Rock album that highly needs to the first against the wall.

Didn't 28 Weeks Later revolve around a couple of goddamn kids? That, right there, disproves any claim of it being superior to anything. Goddamn kids in movies. Stupid little fuckers.

What's legal on land and what's legal on a ship are completely different things. On a ship, the captain's word is law, for very good reasons (even minor crimes can have the potential to cause disaster…exactly like the disaster the Gang's "minor infractions" cause).


Yeah, my standard policy is, "It doesn't matter how much I respect you, or even like you; if you weren't one of my absolute favorite people in the whole world, I'm not going to your funeral." Fortunately, the last time someone met that criteria, his funeral was goddamn fantastic.

On that, we can all agree.

One of his alts or compatriots, Nanooknanu or something like that.

Fortunately, even if it were a scam, it's only to get out of a contract, not to initiate any legal action against "Dr" Luke. So there's nothing to lose by simply taking her at her word.

I just want to take a moment to show my appreciation for Gentle Herpes. He may be an awful person, but dammit, he's OUR awful person. /Heads back to the trenches of the Dr. Luke/Kesha comments.


Jesus Christ, aren't you rape apologist/MRA/meninist trolls supposed to at least pretend you're decent human beings?

Don't point out that this whole argument isn't about a legal case, or you might be getting the fucking point.

You are the written equivalent of a mashup of Martin Shkreli and Ted Cruz's faces.

Oh, I'm sorry. Comparing you to an STD wasn't meant as a compliment. I was being uncharitable to genital infections, and would like to apologize to the fine, upstanding members of the pus-seeping penis and vagina community. *edit* Heh… "upstanding members…penis."

1) Your comments make your position and values system extremely clear.
2) What you think we should read as "being polite and civil" we (correctly) read as unbearable smugness.
3) The combination of these two factors cause us to react like antibodies fighting a goddamn STD.

Know your fucking audience, douchebag.

Upvoted for sad truth.

Ultimately, it's probably horrible for either of us to be focusing on their appearance at all. (And I say that honestly; I tend to fall pretty squarely in the Social Justice camp on most issues.) I only mentioned it because it was quite a shock to me. Seriously, Andy Wachowski was not the sort of man I would ever