
Well, that's the point of a porn parody, isn't it?

I agree. Daredevil season 2 would have been fine… but all the shit with the Hand just turned it into a ridiculous mess. Basically… it was an otherwise good season of television that's been judged terrible thanks to one (pretty big) flaw.

Aren't they getting him for Luke Cage? I mean, they're billing it as the superhero The Wire!

But the only good elf is a dead elf!

I'd say that any use of Negasonic Teenage Warhead is a good use. Hell, that whole album is basically a Marvel comic, even disregarding Ego: The Living Planet.

That's the only thing that keeps me from retching uncontrollably every hour when my local station plays this song.

Yes, this is most definitely the most overrated song of all time. And I have an otherwise great local radio station that likes to play this song at least once per hour…

I agree that a big chunk of what he said was worded very poorly. But I've had similar discussions about depression with family members. Ultimately, self-pity is one of the worst things you can do to yourself short of actually squeezing the trigger, and it's frustrating as hell to see people destroying themselves

I might be opening a can of worms here, but I honestly think he was taken wildly out of context on that comment. Speaking as a person who, like Fry (and, I assume, a decent chunk of the AVClub commentariat), has fought depression over many years, self-pity is absolutely self-destructive. Fry specifically called out

Because they're going to cast Keanu Reeves as Spike Spiegel when they do it. No thanks.

See, I liked Tom Bombadil as well, but the simple fact is that he has precisely 0 impact on the actual plot of the book. The chapters surrounding him are completely extraneous. I agree he was fun, but he served no purpose to the plot, aside from some redundant world-building.

Wait, when did The Beef become an itinerant magazine peddler?! (You know, since he's not an actor anymore.) *gets pulled off stage by a giant shepherd's crook*

Yup, proving that most people don't actually know what a plot hole is. The list of supposed plot holes in TFA just left me seething. Especially that asinine one that was written by a supposed professor of literature or film or something like that. Like, goddamn, man, if anyone should know better, it's you!

But I AM a SF/comics nerd! Granted… I've always been in the minority. E.g. I'm the rare breed of SF/comics nerd who doesn't mind minor alterations/excisions from source to adaptation, and only gets pissed off when a change affects the whole idea of the story. Which means that I was completely fine with Tom Bombadil

Yeah, this whole thing has me so pissed. Do people not understand that some things are meant simply to be left unanswered? There's absofuckinglutely no reason to explain this, and it pisses me off that people need it explained.

Huh… I thought he was "polarizing" for an entirely different reason.

Oh, thanks for linking Brickleberry and Tosh. I had that show pop up on my Netflix suggestions and it looked vaguely funny, so I was going to watch it. Thank you, sir, for helping me dodge that bullet!

Not familiar with the show, but thanks for the input! (To be clear, not being sarcastic… comments of "thanks for the input" are often sarcastic, which is why I'm clarifying.)

Well, that's the thing: even characters like Tony Soprano or Walter White aren't awful characters. They are very bad people, but they at least have something going for them (sheer talent, at the very least), and even when they're doing something terrible, we can find some shred of sympathy, usually. Now, though,

Cue Jonathan Coulton's "Someone Is Crazy (And It's You)."