
Ahh, the curse of adulthood: the freedom to stay up late and watch whatever we want, but the feeble, responsibility-laden body that demands to be asleep by 11.

It's the mystery… of… the dance. Or the mystery of A7X fans, anyway.

Finally upgraded to a new PC (my old one was about 7 years old), so I'm going to attempt to play Wasteland 2: Director's Cut this weekend. I was a Kickstarter backer for the game, and had so looked forward to it, but when it came out, I was dismayed to learn that my PC would barely run it. Better late than never!

Holy shit… is that real? I already loathe Mark Millar, but if that's real, it certainly takes the cake. That hack needs to take a flying fuck at a rolling cheerio.

Well, as long as "genuine sense of optimism" doesn't preclude occasional moral ambiguity, ala DS9, aka Best Trek.

I have to ask, since I've seen other disparaging comments about Christopher Tolkien: has he done something particularly egregious in recent years? I was only familiar with his "work" on the various "Book of Lost/Unfinished Tales" volumes, which weren't terrible, despite being rather fragmentary.

This is possibly the best insane fan theory I've ever seen.

Ahhh, ok. Thanks for clarifying. My mind was boggling at the possibility of severed feet being caused by some natural phenomenon.

…wait. There's a scientific explanation for severed feet washing up on shore, and it doesn't involve a serial killer?!



No, but is "The sky is blue" really news? I mean, ultimately this newswire was simply this week's box-office report, so it's news regardless of the content. But using the "popular movie beats obviously-shit movie" seems like a strange way to approach it.

This seems kinda like "Duh" news. Did anyone expect such an obvious dud as Gods of Egypt to surpass the widely-praised Deadpool?

I, for one, welcome our new… yada yada yada. Seriously, though, no matter how much we may not care for Shillary, she's still unquestionably better than Trump. Not that that's a hard bar to clear.

Which is, even more disgustingly, a fact acknowledged and embraced by NeoHitler's campaign.

Yeah, fortunately I've met a lot of conservatives who have expressed a similar sentiment. Trump's popularity may be far wider than a reasonable person would expect, but that doesn't mean that every conservative is an utter moron.

Stacey Dash is the worst. Gorgeous, but totally the worst.

Maybe? I know it hasn't been in my local paper for close to 20 years, and I know that the majority of papers around the country dropped it long ago for the same reasons ours did (namely that it's racist, sexist, generally offensive, etc.).

Hey, I'm 35 and I remember that awful old comic strip.

Hah, I just made almost this exact joke elsewhere to a friend about 10 minutes ago.