
Strangely (or maybe not… I do enjoy his art in general), I like the Skottie Young cover the best. It makes her look like an evil Muppet.

So Charlie wants to Jeb Bush the Waitress?

Yeah, I could never catch worth a shit, either. Only sports I was ever decent at were soccer and playing QB in football.

Well, there are those guys like me, who, for whatever reason, can't throw worth shit (unless it's a football).

One of these days, I'd legitimately be interested in listening to one of her Tom Waits cover albums.

Is anyone else driven nearly to the point of rage by "InterAbang"?! What, Interrobang was too mainstream a word, so you just had to "x-treme" it up?

Waitasecond… I'M a thirty-something! And this doesn't even remotely appeal to me (despite having loved his movies, back in the day, as did most of my (our?) age group).

"My grandma shot me once. Once!"

…if the casting of Gal Gadot is the biggest red-flag for you about this movie, you have some serious priority problems.

Well, to be fair, what actually pisses me off is less the fact that it's a similar concept, and more the fact that I guarantee that DC/Warner is going to slap my friend with a cease-and-desist if this show takes off.

So pissed about this. This is such a blatant rip-off of a good friend's established webcomic, amandagreensia dot com.

It's possible it was someone else, but it was one of those Top 40-type radio programs, and they had a short phone conversation with one of the big Latin stars of the late 90s/early 2000s, and the dude goes off about how some 14 year old fan was all over him and he was feeling her up and she was so happy to have

Geez… the opening sequence of Kimmy Scmidt is the only thing I didn't like about that show. Or rather, the visuals were ok, but I fucking detest that auto-tuned monstrosity of a "song."

And yet, when I made the completely lame, but completely true, claim that my great-grandfather's cousin invented the cotton-candy…gin(?), people acted like I was full of shit.

Others have said this, but I have to chime in and say that this year's questions have been working out really great. At first I was disappointed in the lack of a "supervillain"-type question (despite the fact that 99% of all interviewees took the chickenshit route on that one), but the general quality of this year's

See, I don't mind people sticking up for hated movies, but that "the Prequels are good" piece was a lot more "…and you're all big dummies and/or intellectually dishonest if you disagree with me." Defending something hated is one thing, calling me out for hating it is another thing entirely.

Wow… that review of Lateralus has to be some of the most smug wankery I've ever seen.

I've been told I look like a pale Dean Cain, which is patently ridiculous, because I'm quite funny looking.

So he liked it?

Maybe. I guess this is just one of the few instances where I'm with the nerds shouting "if you're gonna change the character, just make him a new character!" It's not like Centaurians are a rarity. Hell, even dishonorable Centaurians have been portrayed before. I guess it just stung me because classic Yondu was